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Oregon Health Authority

Information for Health Systems, Providers and THWs

On this page, health system personnel, providers, and THWs will find helpful information and guidance documents on ways for THWs to be integrated into health care services and programs.

CLS Services Postposed to February 2025

The Culturally and Linguistic Specific Services enhance payment program for Traditional Health Workers implementation has been postponed to late February 2025. OHA will communicate timelines as it becomes clear. Inquiries can be sent to

RAC: THW Culturally and Linguistically Specific Services Enhanced Payment Program

PURPOSE: To inform the community of an upcoming program for Medicaid THW providers to provide culturally and linguistically specific services to Medicaid members.


Active recruitment ongoing for Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) members. Interested parties should contact Lily Sintim at or 971-276-5559 (voice/text).


OHA welcomes all participants. If you have any questions about accommodations or need any assistance to participate like such as translation, please email or call no later than two (2) business days before the meeting: Lily Sintim at or 971-276-5559 (voice/text). All relay calls are accepted.

THW CLS Services Community Engagement PPT.pdf

OHA's Traditional Health Worker Toolkit 

The Traditional Health Worker Toolkit includes the following topics:

  •     THW Overview and 101
  •     THW Scopes of Practice 
  •     Benefits of Integrating THWs 
  •     Integrating and Retaining THWs
  •     Health Care Delivery System Contracting with Community Based Organizations 
  •     Recommendations for Supporting and Supervising THWs 
  •     Best and Promising Practices Resources
THW Statewide Needs Assessment Reports
CCO 2.0 Traditional Health Workers Guidance Documents
Best and Promising Practices
 Payment Models
Fee-for-Service Billing Guides
Home Visiting Safety Resources

ILOS guidance documents now available on the OHA ILOS website. In Lieu of Services (ILOS) are services determined by the state to be medically appropriate and cost-effective substitutes for covered services or settings under the State Medicaid Plan. The guidance documents include benefits ad criteria of ILOS, coding guidance, ansers to CCO questions and a comparison between OHA spending initiatives. We hope these documents will provide clarity and guidance in how your CCO can utilize ILOS.

For more information about Traditional Health Workers, see relevant links: