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Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP): Be Prepared for the Unexpected and Expected Events

Program Overview

Continuity of operations (COOP) is the ability of an organization to continue essential functions, provide essential services, and deliver core capabilities during a disruption to normal operations. Effective continuity of operations can be attained only through the integration and unified efforts of an organization's leadership, who are accountable for the performance of essential functions and the continuity program at all levels. 

Beusiness continuity graphic 

Ensuring Continuity Across Sectors

Continuity is not just for governments, but it is also an important aspect of the public, private and NGO world. How will your business or organization respond to and recover from a disruption in service?

Developing and Maintaining Emergency Operations Plans 

Interplay Between EOPs and COOPs in Emergency Management

Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) are different from Continuity of Operations Plans (COOPs), but are a critical first line of defense for personnel or entity responses during or in anticipation of an emergency. EOPs are developed at the Federal, State, and local levels to provide a uniform response to all hazards that a community may face. Read FEMA’s Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) to learn how to develop and maintain Emergency Operations Plans.

National Incident Management System 

Integration of the National Incident Management System (NIMS)

COOP relies on the National Incident Management System (NIMS) to ensure a coordinated response during emergencies. NIMS provides a consistent framework for federal, state, local, and tribal governments to work together. By following NIMS guidelines, COOP ensures the continuity of essential functions during disruptions, enhancing resilience, communication, and coordination. Learn more about NIMs.


2024 Continuity of Operations Executive Branch Program Guidance and Review Process Overview

The Oregon Department of Emergency Management (OEM) is tasked with supporting Continuity planning and the administration of Veoci, the software solution selected to support Continuity of Operations (COOP) plan management for eligible state and non-state organizations. OEM reports compliance with the COOP Statewide Policy 107-001-010 to the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) who then reports successes and areas for improvements in the annual Oregon Agency Expectations Progress Report.

COOP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) and Continuity of Government (COG) are distinct but closely linked concepts. COOP is a critical component in maintaining government operations during disruptions, while COG is the outcome of a viable continuity capability. COG ensures the continued functioning of essential government functions across the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, preserving the statutory and constitutional authority of elected officials. Achieving COG requires enhanced resilience, coordination, communication, and deconfliction among key organizations and positions to ensure the effectiveness of government operations during emergencies.

Interested in learning more? Then review FEMA's Guide to Continuity of Government for State, Local, and Territorial Governments​​.

There are several trainings and templates available, but we are always here to help via the OEM Continuity Program email:​ .​​

Contact Us

The Oregon Department of Emergency Management Continuity Team is here to assist you! For general questions and inquires, email:

Continuity Program Planners and Coordinators:

Deanna Grimstead, Ph.D.
Shalynn Robinette