Q: What is "match" funding?
A: Matching or cost sharing means the value of an agency’s in-kind or cash contributions that are separate from federally funded projects.
Q: What can be included in "match"?
A: A match requirement cannot be met by funding from another federal grant. In addition, the funding cannot be counted towards satisfying a matching requirement for a different federal grant agreement. The project director for the grant is responsible for making sure the matching amount is verifiable and must maintain records for six years starting on the date of the final claim for reimbursement.
Q: What are Agreements and Assurances?
A: The grant project director and authorizing government official must sign the Agreements and Assurances document as part of the grant award process. This document outlines the rules that apply to all Transportation Safety Office grants. The Agreements and Assurances document can be found in the Project Director's Information Booklet.
Q: What is a CFDA number?
A: These numbers are used for financial reporting of grants. CFDA is an abbreviation for the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance. A list of all programs can be found on the
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance web page.
Q: What steps are required to submit a grant application?
A: Contact the program manager for more information about specific grant applications. Program information and contacts can be found on each of the Safety Program web pages.
Q: How are grants selected?
A: A broad spectrum of agencies at state and local levels and special interest groups are involved in project selection and implementation. Projects are selected using criteria from the program strategic plan or assessment, alignment with Oregon's Transportation Safety Action Plan (TSAP) and Highway Safety Plan (HSP); and response to identified problems, innovation, clear objectives, adequate evaluation plans, and cost effective budgets.
Q: What documentation is required when the grant involves a contract or Intergovernmental Agreement?
A: Provide signed copies of any contracts or other service agreements that are entered into by the grantee as part of the project. These shall be reviewed by Transportation Safety Office to determine whether the work to be accomplished is consistent with the objectives of the project. All contracts awarded by the grantee shall include the provision that any subcontracts include the terms stated in the Agreements and Assurances document.
Q: What documentation is required when the grant involves equipment or software purchases?
A: A Residual Value Agreement must be submitted to Transportation Safety Office if grant funds are used, in whole or in part, to acquire any equipment or software costing more than $5,000 or at Transportation Safety Office request. A copy of the original vendor invoice must be attached to the form showing the quantity, description, manufacturer’s identification number, and cost of each item.
Q: Is any other documentation required?
A: Copies of any contracts your agency has that will be utilized for the grant project (i.e., that include grant funds to pay on all or a portion of that contract) must also be provided to TSO. This might include internet services, professional services, operating or similar contracts, as applicable. Provide a copy of a job description of all positions assigned to a project 500 hours or more paid with grant funds. Justification must also be provided for any grant funds requested to pay for out-of-state travel (conferences, etc.); as to how this travel is pertinent to fulfilling the grant project’s activities.
Q: What costs are not allowable for reimbursement?
A: Costs associated with lobbying, entertainment or social activities, alcoholic beverages for any consumption purposes, office furnishings or fixtures; travel costs and print or media documents produced without prior approval are not allowable for reimbursement. Supplanting includes replacing routine and/or existing state or local expenditures with the use of federal grant funds, which is an unallowable cost.
Q: Where can I find grant reporting forms?
A: To obtain copies of the quarterly reports, claim form, and evaluation report, contact
Naomi Dwyer.
Q: When are claims for reimbursement due?
A: All claims for reimbursement are due within 35 days following the end of each quarter. Claims will not be honored until all required quarterly reports and documentation have been received. Please check your project calendar to see when your claims and reports are due.
Q: What if I am late submitting a claim for reimbursement?
A: Late claims may not be paid. Check with the program manager of your grant in advance to ensure you are taking the necessary steps to avoid losing a reimbursement.
Q: Where can I find NHTSA resources for state governments?
23 CFR 1300 outlines Uniform Procedures for State Highway Safety Grant Programs; and
2 CFR 200 outlines uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards to non-Federal entities. This site may also be of assistance:
NHTSA Grants Resources Guide.”