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Consultant Billing Rates

(5/22/24) The information on this page is currently in the development / testing phase. For current Consultant Billing Rate information, please visit the “Cost, Billing Rate & Compensation Related Forms" section of this page: Oregon Department of Transportation : Procurement : Consultant Forms & Resources. You can also contact for more information.

This page provides the resources for establishing or revising billing rates with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT).

Billing Rate | Oversight Application Decision Matrix

Before accessing the resources on this page, please refer to the two questions below to determine whether your contract is required to follow the OPO Oversight Billing Rate process and if so, which set of resources is appropriate:

1. Was your firm awarded a contract with ODOT on the basis of price competition?

  • YES - STOP. No OPO Billing Rate Oversight is required. Billing rates are negotiated between ODOT Contract Administrator and prime consultant.
  • NO (the contract was awarded through Qualifications Based selection process without price competition) - The ODOT Billing Rate Policy and Consultant Billing Rate Standard are applicable. See next question.
2. Does your firm have an overhead/indirect cost rate established for the most recently completed fiscal year?
  • YES - Please review the Consultant Billing Rate Standard and see the Indirect Cost Rate Submittal Resources accordion below.
  • NO - Please review the Consultant Billing Rate Standard and see the Negotiated Billing Rate Submittal Resources accordion below.

Billing Rate | Agency Policy & Consultant Standard
ODOT Billing Rate Policy AGR 06-01 (ODOT Billing Rate Policy)
ODOT Procurement Standards for Consultant Billing Rates OPO-STD-00X

Billing Rate | Guidance & Training

This billing rate Oversight process applies to Consultants awarded through Qualifications-Based Selection (QBS) process without price competition. Upon receipt of an intent-to-award notice from ODOT, the Consultant must ensure that their billing rate data with ODOT is up-to-date and in compliance with ODOT Billing Rate Policy AGR 06-01.

Establishing Billing Rates with ODOT for Consultants training (on-demand video)

Send questions and submittals to

Billing Rate | Submittal Resources

Review the OPO Consultant Billing Rate Standard OPO-STD-00X for additional information about submittals, process and resources. This list does not constitute replacement to the ODOT Billing Rate Standard requirements.

Cost Disclosure Questionnaire (CDQ) and attachments requested on the form (REQUIRED)

      Indirect Cost Rate Schedule Template – fillable and modifiable template available (not a required form)

          American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) External Audit Resources 

          2016 Uniform Audit & Accounting Guide  

     Independent Audit Threshold Attestation  – required if Independent Audit Threshold is not met, as defined in ODOT Billing Rate Policy AGR 06-01 (if applicable)

     ODOT Contract Summary Form (REQUIRED. Please note: Any alternative form, format or type of tracker is acceptable in place of this form; the same level of detail is required.)

     National Compensation Matrix (NCM) Instructions  (REQUIRED; or alternative, three survey analysis)  (see AASHTO website for matrices and other resources)

     ODOT Common Control Worksheet  (if applicable)

     FHWA Certification of Final Indirect Costs (REQUIRED)

     Certification of Invoicing & Other Direct Cost (ODC) Billing Practices (REQUIRED)

     Direct Salary Rate (DSR) Schedule (REQUIRED for all new firms; may be updated annually)

Submit billing rate package to

Consultants actively contracted (as prime or sub-consultant) must submit their Indirect Cost Rate (ICR) and related financial data within 180 days of the Consultant's annual fiscal year end.

Review the OPO Consultant Billing Rate Standard OPO-STD-00X for additional information about submittals, process and resources. This list does not constitute replacement to the ODOT Billing Rate Standard requirements.​

Financial Questionnaire

Negotiated Billing Rate (NBR, fully loaded) Schedule

Direct Salary Rate (DSR) Schedule 

ODOT Contract Summary Form (REQUIRED. Please note: Any alternative form, format or type of tracker is acceptable in place of this form; the same level of detail is required.)

​ Submit billing rate package to

Billing Rate | Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Overhead Cost Rate Guidance

Billing Rate | Application
For resources and guidance on application to estimations and reimbursement requirements, see the Cost and Compensation accordion on our Consultant Forms & Resources page.

Billing Rate | Contact Us
ODOT Procurement Office (OPO) Billing Rate Oversight assists with coordination and maintenance of consultant billing rates and is available as a resource at  

ODOT's External Audit Services is another resource, specializing in accounting and auditing. You can reach them at or at their website