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Columbia Gorge Projects

Visit for real-time traffic impacts and weather-related closures. 

Columbia River Gorge Construction

I-84 & U.S. 30 (Historic Columbia River Highway) 

Projects between I-205 and Hood River

The Columbia River Gorge is one of Oregon’s seven wonders – home to the first highway in the Pacific Northwest, sweeping vistas and rich history. And for more than 100 years, it’s been an important corridor for freight movements, both in the water and on the road.

Over the next several years, we have many construction projects planned on Interstate 84 between Interstate 205 and Hood River, and on the Historic Columbia River Highway between Troutdale and Hood River. 

Each project brings benefits to residents, businesses and visitors by increasing safety, extending the lifespan of the highways or completing a gap in walking and biking infrastructure. 

Learn more about each project below.

How to use the interactive map:

  1. Click or tap the ‘sidebar menu icon’ in the upper-left corner to open the sidebar menu and then scroll to view the projects.
  2. Click or tap the icons or lines displayed on the map to learn more about a specific project.
  3. Click or tap the back arrows in the sidebar to return to the main menu.

You can also select the ‘maximize icon’ in the upper-right corner to open the full-size map and navigate using the steps above (make sure pop-ups are allowed in your internet browser). If you need a little more help navigating the map, you can review a detailed instructional video here.


Construcción en la garganta del río Columbia

La garganta del río Columbia es una de las siete maravillas de Oregón: además de la primera carretera en el Pacífico Noroeste, tiene maravillosos paisajes y una rica historia. Y durante más de 100 años, ha sido un corredor importante para movimientos de carga, tanto en el agua como en la carretera.
Para los próximos años, tenemos muchos proyectos de construcción planeados en la Interstate 84 entre la Interstate 205 y el río Hood, y en la Carretera Histórica del Río Columbia entre Troutdale y el río Hood. Ver información en español


Current traffic impacts overview (March 21, 2025):  

Travelers on U.S. 30/the Historic Columbia River Highway can expect:

  • A section of the Historic Columbia River Highway/U.S. 30 is closed until Memorial Day 2025 between Wahkeena Falls and Multnomah Falls. Learn more.
  • The Stark Street Bridge over the Columbia River is closed. One lane of the Historic Columbia River Highway is closed near the bridge.Temporary traffic signals are in place to control the flow of traffic . Visit Multnomah County's website for more information.
  • Flaggers periodically directing traffic on weekdays near Bridal Veil while we complete repairs on a historic bridge. Learn more.
  • Construction of ADA ramps in Hood River has lanes closed during the week on U.S. 30 with flaggers directing traffic and side street closures. 

Questions or comments?

Contact ODOT:
Dee Hidalgo, Community Affairs Coordinator
Project Hotline
24/7 Noise: 503-294-1570
Project Accommodation Request


Sign up for email or text updates to stay informed as projects progress. 

I-84 Construction (I-205 to Hood River)
Gorge: Mitchell Point Tunnel Update
  • 03/21/2025 01:01 PM PDT
Historic Columbia River Highway closed east of Larch Mountain Road
  • 03/13/2025 04:17 PM PDT
Rockfall removal may cause delays next week near Rowena Bluffs
  • 03/06/2025 02:40 PM PST
Gorge: November update & 2025 preview
  • 11/22/2024 02:34 PM PST
Dedicating the Mitchell Point Tunnel
  • 11/08/2024 10:30 AM PST
Gorge: October update
  • 10/30/2024 04:00 PM PDT
Popular Columbia Gorge access route closes for several months for repairs starting Oct. 1
  • 09/27/2024 10:00 AM PDT
Gorge: September update
  • 09/27/2024 10:00 AM PDT
Historic Highway reopens west of Multnomah Falls to flagged traffic
  • 09/06/2024 11:40 AM PDT
Gorge: West Multnomah Falls Emergency Closure
  • 08/26/2024 12:06 PM PDT
Gorge Work: construction update
  • 08/02/2024 10:42 AM PDT
Five miles of I-84 will close 11 p.m. Saturday to noon Sunday for graffiti and litter removal
  • 07/11/2024 10:00 AM PDT
I-84 corridor will close to rail and highway traffic from 11 p.m. July 13 to noon July 14 for graffiti and litter removal
  • 07/02/2024 01:00 PM PDT
UPDATED Gorge Work: rolling slowdowns canceled
  • 06/25/2024 04:40 PM PDT
Gorge Work: construction update
  • 06/25/2024 11:15 AM PDT
I-84 corridor will close to rail and highway traffic overnight from 11 p.m. July 13 to noon July 14 for graffiti and litter removal
  • 06/13/2024 10:00 AM PDT
Section of Historic Columbia River Highway will close May 29, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • 05/23/2024 01:00 PM PDT
Gorge: 2024 Construction
  • 05/03/2024 10:18 AM PDT
Gorge travelers: prepare for another round of ice
  • 01/16/2024 02:15 PM PST
Gorge Work: Winter update
  • 11/20/2023 04:00 PM PST

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Visit to learn about projects on SR 14 in Washington.

Traffic conditions

  • Know before you go: For real-time traffic impacts in Oregon, visit
  • For real-time travel information in Washington, visit

Trip planning

  • For those visiting the Gorge, whether it be for a day hike or a week-long adventure, contains tips for your trip. 
  • Did you know the Gorge has its own transit system, including to destinations like Multnomah Falls? Visits to find more information about routes, schedules and tickets.

Current Construction

I-84 McCord Creek Bridge

We are replacing the aging bridge that carries I-84 east over McCord Creek near Warrendale to improve the safety and lifespan of the highway.
Schedule: Construction began in spring 2025 and continues until fall 2026. 

U.S. 30 Bridal Veil Bridge 

We are repairing a bridge on the Historic Columbia River Highway between Shepperd’s Dell State Park and Bridal Veil Falls to continue carrying traffic over the creek. 
Schedule: Construction begins in January 2025 and is anticipated to be complete in spring 2025.

U.S. 30 Hood River Sidewalk Curb Ramps

We are improving safety and access for all by upgrading sidewalk curb ramps to the current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility standards on a section of U.S. 30 (Cascade Avenue and Oak Street in Hood River) from Mt. Adams Avenue to E 2nd Street.
Learn more. 

Multnomah Falls Viaducts 

(U.S. 30/Historic Columbia River Highway)

Two historic viaducts carry traffic on the Historic Columbia River Highway on either side of Multnomah Falls. The aging viaducts need repairs to continue carrying traffic. 
Closures: The west viaduct is closed to all traffic Oct. 1, 2024, until Memorial Day 2025.
Schedule: Summer 2024 through summer 2026.

Mitchell Point Tunnel 

(Historic Columbia River Highway State Trail)

ODOT, in partnership with Oregon State Parks, constructed a new segment of the Historic Highway State Trail -- a walking, biking and hiking facility -- at Mitchell Point. 
Schedule: Construction began in 2021 and the tunnel opened to the public in March 2025. The dedication event took place on Nov. 16, 2024.

Future projects

I-84 UPRR Bridge Replacement

We are replacing the aging bridge that carries I-84 westbound over the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) between Exit 62 and Exit 63 in Hood River. The new bridge will improve safety and extend the lifespan of the highway.
Schedule: Construction is anticipated to begin in spring 2027 and continue until fall 2029. 

ARTS Safety Improvements

We are improving safety at multiple ramp interchanges on Interstate-84 between downtown Portland and Hood River. The work is funded by our statewide All Roads Transportation Safety (ARTS) Program.
Schedule: Construction is anticipated to begin in fall 2025 and continue until fall 2026. 

Completed projects

U.S. 30 Sign Upgrades

We installed new curve warning signs and upgraded other signs to improve safety along the drivable sections of the Historic Highway between Troutdale and Hood River. 
Schedule: Construction began in spring 2024 and finished in fall 2024.

I-84 Ruckel Creek Culvert

We repaired the culvert that carries Ruckel Creek under I-84 just west of Cascade Locks. 
Schedule: Construction began in spring 2024 and finished in fall 2024.

I-84 Paving

Improved the roadway surface on two sections of I-84: from Interstate 205 to 169th Avenue, and from just east of 201st Avenue to Marine Drive (exit 17).

Schedule: Construction began in spring 2023 and finished in fall 2023.

Landslide Repair

We repaired a 2021 landslide along the Historic Highway one mile west of Multnomah Falls. The landslide was visible from I-84 and the repair began in 2022 and finished in fall 2023.

U.S. 30 Troutdale Bridge 

We studied the condition of the bridge supports or piers for signs of water eroding sediment and opted for long-term monitoring instead of repairs.
Schedule: Project was cancelled in 2023. 

Viento State Park to Mitchell Point (Historic Highway State Trail)

ODOT, in partnership with Oregon State Parks, constructed 2 more miles of the Historic Highway State Trail -- a walking, biking and hiking facility -- from Viento State Park east toward Mitchell Point. 
Schedule: Construction began in early 2022 and finished in spring 2023.

Culvert Repairs

This project is finished and construction is complete. We repaired 15 culverts along I-84 between Troutdale and Hood River to extend the lifespan and safety of the highway. 
Schedule: Construction occurred between summer and September of 2022.

I-84 Forest Lane Bridge

This project is finished and work is complete. We raised the Forest Lane bridge over Interstate 84 in Cascade Locks to accommodate taller trucks.
Schedule: Construction began in February and finished in September 2022. 

I-84 Paving & Toothrock Tunnel 

Repaired the aging floor of the Toothrock Tunnel near Bonneville Dam and repaved the highway between Multnomah Falls and Cascade Locks.
Schedule: Construction began in April 2022 and finished summer 2023. 

U.S. 30 Cascade Avenue at Rand Road

Improved safety and accessibility at the intersection of U.S. 30 (Cascade Ave.) and Rand Road by aligning 
the north and south roads of the intersection, adding a traffic signal, sidewalk and curb ramps, new street-lighting, and improving stormwater drainage.  
Schedule: Construction occurred from early 2023 through spring 2024.

What is the Historic Columbia River Highway?

The Historic Columbia River Highway was constructed between 1913 and 1922. In the early 1950s, many miles were damaged or destroyed to pave the way for I-84. Currently, an effort is underway to restore all 73 miles of the highway from Troutdale to The Dalles. Some segments, known as the Historic Highway State Trail, will be accessible only by people walking, rolling or biking.  We are so close to completing the restoration of all 73 miles. Two projects are underway, with the last 1.6 mile segment scheduled to begin construction when funding is secured. 
Learn more about the projects at
We are so close to completing the restoration of all 73 miles. Two projects are underway now!
Learn more about the projects at

For ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) or Civil Rights Title VI accommodations, translation/interpretation services, or more information call 503-731-4128, TTY 800-735-2900 or Oregon Relay Service 7-1-1.

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