Portland area projects
Get an overview of our most-impactful projects in Portland. Want more?
View a list of all our Portland metro area projects.
Scroll down to view ODOT's planned construction impacts in the Portland metro area a week in advance through the Weekly Construction Update.
OR 217 Auxiliary Lanes
Construction underway to improve safety, reduce congestion
I-5 RealTime
RealTime Signs in Portland improve
safety, efficiency
Columbia River Gorge Construction
I-84 & Historic Highway improvements from
I-205 to Hood River
OR 224 Safety
Improvements from
SE 17th Avenue to SE Rusk Road
Weekly Construction Updates
for Multnomah, Clackamas, Washington and Hood River Counties.
Ways to learn about construction taking place on a weekly basis.
Visit TripCheck.com. Constantly updated with construction and crash data, TripCheck is the best way to learn about roadway conditions around the state.
You can also follow ODOT on
Twitter (@OregonDOT) and
Facebook (@OregonDOT) to get real-time updates.
View the Weekly Construction Update as a PDF or calendar for a visual format.
Sign up to receive the report in your email on Fridays. Construction information is shown for one week, giving you the most up-to-date information for targeted areas in the Portland-metro region.

Translation and Accommodation
Other Access For ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) or Civil Rights Title VI accommodations, translation and interpretation services, or more information call 503-731-4128, TTY 800-735-2900 or Oregon Relay Service 7-1-1.
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