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Oregon Department of Human Services Search Site

Provider Navigator Program

Get free help to join the homecare workforce

You can get free help to become an in-home care worker and find work. New applicants and current providers can get up to 20 hours of personalized help through the Provider Navigator Program. 

Getting started is easy. Fill out a referral form for yourself or someone else and a Provider Navigator will be in touch.

Who can use the programHow the program helps Referral form

Who can use the program

The Provider Navigator program is for new or current:

  • Homecare Workers (in-home care for older adults and people with disabilities)
  • Personal Support Workers (in-home care for children and adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities)
  • Personal Care Attendants (in-home care for individuals experiencing a behavioral health condition)

How the program helps

Provider Navigators help with the enrollment process so you can join the workforce quickly and find work easily. They also help you develop skills to be successful in your role. 

You can get up to 20 hours of free help in the following areas:

Getting started
Help filling out enrollment forms, completing a background check and signing up for new worker orientation and training.

 Finding jobs
Help finding jobs, using the Carina website, making a resumé and getting ready for interviews.

 Staying connected
Help meeting other workers and finding useful resources.

Working with your local office
Help talking to your local office and knowing what to do after you get your provider number.

 Skills and training
Help with verbal and written communication skills and staying professional.

Using technology
Help learning basic computer skills.

 Managing work
Help with timekeeping and using the payment system, keeping track of your tasks or service agreement, managing your time, and making sure your paperwork is up to date.

Certifications and credentialing
Help tracking credential end dates, getting new certifications and completing all required tasks for renewal.

Fill out the referral form to get started. A Provider Navigator will follow up with you.

Contact us

For general questions or help, contact the Oregon Home Care Commission (OHCC). 

Program contractors

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