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Orientation Training for Foster Care

You must complete Orientation training to become a certified caregiver.

You can also take Orientation training to help you decide if foster care is the right step for you and your family.

Step 1 - Watch the Orientation video series

There are two versions of the resource parent orientation. You should take the one that's right for you. The training is available through Workday Learning.

If you already have a Workday Learning account, you can use the orientation links to access the training. If you need to create a Workday Learning account, follow the instructions on the Workday Learning for Resource Families.

Step 2 - Review additional materials

Review the following video links and other materials. Become familiar with the bill of rights documents that impact children and young adults in foster care, certified resource parents and relative resource parents.

Still deciding if becoming a resource parent is right for you? Review these on-demand courses from our Being a Resource Parent series to learn more:

  • Birth and Resource Parent Partnership: What we know is that the most successful resource parents understand that their role goes beyond supporting the children in their care to supporting the children’s families as a whole. In this training module we will explore the Birth and Resource Parent Partnership – WHY a partnership is essential; WHAT is needed for a partnership to be successful; and HOW to begin building a partnership. The bottom line is that co-parenting partnerships are beneficial to the child and youth experiencing foster care and reduces their trauma.
  • Caring for Teens: Learn about your role in caring for tweens and teens, discussions you may have with them and how to help them learn daily living skills that prepare them for launching into adulthood.
  • Honoring Identity: Learn about your role in understanding, acknowledging and supporting all identities of a child you may be caring for.
  • How does RAFT connect to my role as an Adoptive Parent: RAFT is the foster care certification training curriculum for resource parents, relative resource parents, pre-adoptive parents, and guardians. The RAFT training contains critical information about the kind of specialized parenting needed to meet a child’s needs, regardless of the age of the child. In this training, you will hear how RAFT can prepare you for parenting a child who has experienced trauma, separation and loss and equip you with the skills necessary for your adoption journey!
  • Introduction to Adoption: Provides prospective adoptive families a brief overview of the common paths toward adoptions, opportunities for reflection and information on next steps.
  • Making the Decision: Covers what it means to be a resource parent and how being a resource parent impacts your entire family. 
  • The Reasonable and Prudent Parenting Standard: Learn how the Reasonable and Prudent Parenting Standard supports you with day-to-day decisions and managing challenging behaviors.
Course catalog


If you have questions about Orientation, please email us.

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