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Oregon Department of Human Services Search Site

Guides and Policy

Policy and rules

Foster Children Bill of Rights poster outlining rights and responsibilities.

Oregon Foster Children's Bill of Rights

The Oregon Foster Children's Bill of Rights identifies the rights of children in foster care including safety, health, learning, decision-making, being informed and more. Resource Parents and siblings also have a Bill of Rights. 

The Foster Care Ombudsman investigates and helps resolve complaints, concerns or violations of rights for children in ODHS custody. Contact the Foster Care Ombuds office to file a complaint or voice a concern.

Connect with the Foster Care Ombudsman

Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC)

The ICPC law governs children’s placement from one state to another. All 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. Virgin Islands are ICPC members. The ICPC ensures:

  • Children are placed in a safe environment
  • The receiving state (Oregon) supervises the placement to monitor children’s safety and well-being
  • The sending state (where the child is coming from) stays legally and financially responsible for its children.
  ICPC placement process

Mandatory reporting

Oregon law requires Resource Parents, Relative Resource Parents, and their caregiving employees or volunteers to report suspected abuse or neglect. Mandatory reporters are a crucial link in the system to protect Oregon's most vulnerable citizens.

Mandatory reporting information

Administrative Rules

Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) authorize and govern the ODHS Child Welfare Division and service delivery to Oregonians.

OAR chapter 413