Oregon's Family Caregiver Support Program (FCSP) helps caregivers support their loved ones and themselves.
The Family Caregiver Support Program recognizes that family caregivers provide the majority of care and support to their care recipient and that they are deserving of services that help them enhance their own lives as well as the person they support.
ResourcesToolkit for FCSP coordinators Information for families
Regulatory authority
The federal Older Americans Act (OAA),
Title III Part E - Family Caregiver Support Program, provides limited funding for family caregiving support programs. This program provides funding to support caregivers or other individuals who are "informal" providers to an older individual.
Program standards
Family Caregiver Support Program standards provide information on the program including a description of the program, federal requirements and reporting, services and unit description.
Caregiving resources
Caregiver Teleconnection
Join these one-hour conference calls using a laptop, tablet or phone at no cost. Get expert advice, ask questions and talk to other caregivers. Visit the WellMed website to see a calendar of events and register.
WellMed Charitable Foundation
Dementia care
Find evidence-based dementia care programs for family caregivers
This is an
online directory of proven dementia programs for family caregivers including program requirements, research outcomes and contact information for each program.
Are you concerned that your loved one may be experiencing dementia? If so, use this guide to learn more about their journey and how you can help.
Family caregiving
A guide for family and other unpaid caregivers who care for older adults or persons with disabilities