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Information for ICAP Partners

ICAP overview

ICAP Career Coaches and Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors team up to provide individualized, wraparound support to each participant in the following areas:

  • Choosing a career pathway of interest.
  • Accessing postsecondary education.
  • Exploring internships in high demand career fields.
  • Obtaining credentials in their chosen career field.
  • Obtaining employment upon completion of their program.

Our implementation framework provides more information about how VR and Career Coaches work together to support students enrolled in ICAP.

ICAP Implementation Framework

Video overview of ICAP


Video from Portland Community College Career Pathways


Who qualifies for ICAP

ICAP serves individuals who are participating in one of these community college initiatives in Oregon:

To qualify: Participants must be eligible for VR services and be pursuing one of the following types of training at a participating community college:

  • IRC: Industry-Recognized Credential
  • CPCC: Career Pathways Certificate of Completion
  • LTOY: Less-than-One-Year Certificate Programs
  • Career Technical Education: Certificate 1-2 Year
  • Degree: Associate of Applied Science (two-year)

If a student is interested in ICAP but hasn't completed the eligibility process, they should email or contact their local VR Office to request an intake appointment. The eligibility process can take three to four months, but it will open doors to many transition services and employment supports.

Partner resources to enroll and support students

Participating community colleges

Contact us

As a valued partner in ICAP, your insight, engagement and feedback are important to us. Please reach out with any questions.


Statewide partners:

ICAP logo 

The contents of this web page were developed under grant number 421H from the U.S. Department of Education. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. §§ 1221e-3 and 3474)