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Blueberry Virus Testing

Blueberry scorch virus (BISV) is a plant disease of blueberries (Vaccinium spp.) and cranberries (V. macrocarpon) as well as other Vaccinium species.


Damage to blueberry plants includes leaf, shoot and flower necrosis, dieback, reduction in fruit production, and in severe cases, death of plant. Cranberries are symptomless. Symptoms can easily be confused with other pest, disease, cultural or environmental problems. If BISV suspected, the only reliable method to verify its presence is through laboratory testing. Once infected, plants will permanently carry the virus. BISV is transmitted by aphids, but can also be spread by propagation via an infected mother plant.

Certification for shipping

The following states require certification that blueberry nursery stock has been tested and found free of BISV:

The ODA provides virus testing to enable growers/shippers to obtain the necessary certification. Lab fees are charged for this service.

To obtain information about this program, please contact your nursery inspector or the following:; 503-986-4644

Blueberry Virus Testing Request Form 2023.pdf
