Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)
Permanent Quarantine in Washington County
Quarantine prohibits materials from all plant parts of ash
(Fraxinus spp.), white fringe
(Chionanthus spp.), and olive
(Olea spp.) trees from movement outside Washington County.
In response to the discovery of emerald ash borer (EAB), the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) has adopted an EAB permanent quarantine (control area) as per Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR 603-052-1075), limiting the movement of ash, white fringe, and olive tree materials from Washington County. The purpose of the quarantine is to slow the spread of EAB by restricting the movement of host tree materials to unaffected locations in the state. EAB is now considered the most destructive forest pest in North America, killing hundreds of millions of ash trees.
The Washington County EAB quarantine restricts the movement of ash, white fringe, and olive tree materials including but not limited to logs, green lumber, nursery stock, scion wood, root stock, chips, mulch, stumps, roots, branches, and firewood of any hardwood species. Exceptions to move nursery stock and wood materials of restricted species out of the quarantine area require a compliance agreement with ODA. Please view the links below for FAQs.
ODA is establishing several processing and disposal resources in the area to limit the movement of ash, white fringe, and olive tree materials within the quarantine area. For processing and disposal resources, please view the list below.
Cuarentena en el condado de Washington
La cuarentena prohíbe el traslado fuera del condado de Washington de materiales procedentes de todas las partes vegetales de fresnos (Fraxinus spp.), laurel de nieve (Chionanthus spp.) y olivos (Olea spp.).
En respuesta al descubrimiento del escarabajo barrenador esmeralda del fresno (BEF), el Departamento de Agricultura de Oregon (ODA, por sus siglas en inglés) ha adoptado una cuarentena del BEF (zona de control permanente) según la Norma Administrativa de Oregon (OAR 603-052-1075), que limita el movimiento de materiales de fresno, laurel de nieve y olivo del condado de Washington. El objetivo de la cuarentena es ralentizar la propagación del BEF restringiendo el traslado de materiales de árboles hospedadores a lugares no afectados del Estado. El BEF se considera actualmente la plaga forestal más destructiva de Norteamérica, ya que ha matado a cientos de millones de fresnos.
La cuarentena del BEF en el condado de Washington restringe la movilización de materiales de fresnos, laureles de nieve y olivos, incluyendo, entre otros, troncos, madera verde, material de vivero, madera de vástago, material de raíz, astillas, mantillo, tocones, raíces, ramas y leña de cualquier especie de madera dura. Las excepciones para trasladar material de vivero y madera de especies restringidas fuera de la zona de cuarentena requieren un acuerdo de cumplimiento con el ODA. Consulte los enlaces siguientes para ver las preguntas más frecuentes.
El ODA está estableciendo varios recursos de procesamiento y eliminación en la zona para limitar el movimiento de materiales de fresno, laurel de nieve y olivo dentro de la zona de cuarentena. Para conocer los recursos de tratamiento y eliminación, consulte la lista que aparece a continuación.
Initial detection
On June 30, 2022,
emerald ash borer (EAB), an exotic beetle that infests ash trees, was discovered in Forest Grove, Oregon, marking the first confirmation of the invasive pest on the West Coast. The infested ash trees were immediately cut and chipped.
ODA recently received federal funds to perform work on biocontrol of EAB and is using the
Emerald Ash Borer Readiness and Response Plan for Oregon as a guide in its response to EAB. The plan was finalized in March 2021 and created through the collaborative efforts of a diverse group of stakeholders.
Pesticide list for Emerald Ash Borer in Oregon
The intent of this list is to assist people in finding pesticide products whose labels allow for use to control EAB. The list is not an endorsement or recommendation to use these products and you must always follow the label directions. Do not hesitate to contact
Pesticide staff with questions or for label clarification.
Pesticide list for Emerald Ash Borer
Report sightings of emerald ash borers
Please report sightings of emerald ash borers to the
Oregon Invasive Species Online Hotline.
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