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Oregon Department of Agriculture Search Site

Oregon Spiders

About Oregon spiders

  • Oregon has at least 500 species of spiders.
  • Black widow spiders may be the only potentially harmful spider in Oregon.
  • Spider bites are not common.
  • Spiders help people by eating the insects that eat our food, invade our homes, and are vectors for disease.
  • The most common spiders submitted for identification at the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) are the hobo spider (Eratigena agrestis) and giant house spider (Eratigena atrica).
  • Review the information below before submitting a request to identify a spider.

Do not send photos of suspected injuries (bites and stings), biological samples, or other materials for insect identification or diagnosis. Our entomologists are not health care professionals. Oregon Department of Agriculture cannot identify an insect or spider from descriptions of symptoms or pictures of insect bites or stings. They will not offer any advice regarding injury diagnosis or health care. For information about insect bite treatment or other health concerns, please consult a health care professional.
