The US Swine Health Improvement Plan (US-SHIP) is a voluntary federal, state, and industry partnership to improve the health and traceability of US raised swine. US-SHIP’s pilot project was launched in 2021 and is modeled after the very successful National Poultry Improvement Program (NPIP).
The goal of US-SHIP is to provide a national program for certifying the health status of participating swine. The program focuses primarily on the tracing of swine movement throughout the country and preparing for possible African Swine Fever (ASF) and Classical Swine Fever (CSF) incursions into the country.
Benefits of US-SHIP Participation
- Strengthen state and producer ASF/CSF preparedness through prevention, response and recovery planning
- Established uniformed biosecurity, tracing, and testing procedures and requirements for participants
- Provides a collaborative program between producers, state, and federal agencies to create appropriate standards for swine health certifications
- Assists in returning to normal business operations faster in the event of a disease outbreak
Requirements of participation in US-SHIP
- Fill out and submit an application ODA's US-SHIP email
- Take the
online biosecurity survey
- Be prepared to provide 30 days of movement information in an electronic format to ODA when requested
- Have a Secure Pork Supply Plan in place (recommended for all participants and required for large scale operations)
Oregon participants are encouraged to sign up for an
AgView account, which allows participants to share important movement data with ODA staff.
Non-commercial participants are also encouraged to complete a secure pork supply plan for their operation. Resources about creating a secure pork supply plan can be found at our
Secure Food Supply Plan pages.