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Oregon Department of Agriculture Search Site

Equine Infectious Anemia


Offer ELISA or AGID test methods. Any positives or reactors will be followed up at no charge.


$10 per sample



Turnaround Time

Run daily at 1:00 pm - Results to be reported by email or fax by 3:30 pm

Specimen Requirements and Collection Protocol

2-3 mL of serum or whole blood. Only a federally accredited veterinarian in the state where the blood was taken may submit samples for official movement purposes. Samples must be received within 30 days of collection for official testing.

Shipping Requirements

On ice - do not freeze - recommend ship overnight

Submission Form

An official form is required and can be done using VS 10-11 form or AHL is now providing online submissions through the Oregon Veterinarian Information System (OVIS), please call 503-986-4686 for details. Requests for VS 10-11 forms available through the Animal Health OVIS system, please call 503-986-4680 for details.

PLEASE NOTE: For EIA testing VS form 10-11 versions dated prior FEB 2018 are no longer official documents as of April 15th, 2020. For more information contact the laboratory at 503-986-4686.

Additional Information

ELISA (accepted in Canada and Mexico) is run daily, but will run AGID upon request.

AGID results are a 1-2 business day turnaround time. Lab will contact submitter with all reactors or issues. Reactors will increase turnaround times and may need to be sent to the National Veterinary Service Lab (NVSL).