Each year the Oregon Coastal Management Program convenes several meetings of coastal partners to serve as a forum for exchanging information and keeping network members up to date.
In the spring, there are two coastal partner meetings: on the north and south coast. In the fall, coastal partners from the entire coast convene in one location. These meetings are an excellent networking and information sharing opportunity and all are welcome to attend!
Examples of topics covered at recent network meetings include:
- National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) updates
- Statewide Wetlands Inventory On-Line Mapper
- DOGAMI Landslide Data Products
- Oil Spill Response Planning
- Wildfire updates
- Rocky Shores Plan update
- Federal Consistency Overview
- Goal 18 Shorefront Protection
If you have topic or location suggestions for a coastal partner network meeting, please contact a DLCD coastal regional representative.
Recent Network Meeting Information and Agendas