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Ocean Policy Advisory Council

What is the Oregon Ocean Policy Advisory Council?

The Oregon Ocean Policy Advisory Council (OPAC) is the legislatively mandated marine policy advisory body. It provides, among other statutory charges, advice to the Governor, state agencies and local governments on ocean policy and resource management matters (ORS 196.433). The OPAC has diverse membership made up of representatives from coastal community interests, state agencies, conservation interests, and the general public. OPAC meetings are usually held on the Oregon coast twice a year. The Council's membership is defined by ORS 196.438. View the current OPAC roster for a full list of council members and their positions.

The Ocean Policy Advisory Council has no authority to directly regulate ocean activities or manage resources or to enforce its plans or policies. However, once its plans and policies are approved by the Land Conservation and Development Commission as a part of Oregon's Coastal Management Program, the various state agencies are required to carry them out or act consistently with them.The OPAC meets in a variety of Oregon coastal communities twice a year. These meetings are open to the public

OPAC Working Groups

Oregon's Ocean Policy Advisory Council performs much of its work in smaller groups. None of these groups has any added authority over that of OPAC itself, and all decisions and positions of OPAC are developed and made or taken by the entire council.

Current OPAC Working Groups include-

  • Executive Committee
  • Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee
  • A topical Working Group focused on the Territorial Sea Plan amendments focused on offshore renewable energy

OPAC Meetings and How to Get Involved

OPAC Meetings are open to the public and conducted in accordance with the Councils Operating Procedures. We invite all interested parties to attend meetings and give comment.

View upcoming OPAC events, sign up for Oregon Marine Policy email updates, and visit to learn more and stay up to date with council activities.


Andy Lanier
Marine Affairs Coordinator
Phone: 503-206-2291