The Land Conservation and Development Commission adopted new rule language for goal exception criteria for public, ocean-fronting roads at their September 22-23 meeting. The department filed those rules and they became effective October 21, 2022. Find them here:
The new rule addition creates a clear path for public roads and highways along the oceanfront to seek a local land use goal exception to use structural shoreline armoring to mitigate coastal erosion. It offers defined guidance on justifying a goal exception that balances public needs with the important values and ecosystem services of the public beach. The new goal exception process requires a feasibility assessment, public benefit justification, and mitigation of shoreline armoring impacts. The new rule is an addition to OAR 660-004-0022, Reasons Necessary to Justify an Exception Under Goal 2, Part II(c). This specific reason exception applies only to public, ocean-fronting roads that were developed as of January 1, 1977, to retain the intention of Statewide Planning Goal 18.
Staff held 4 meetings with a Rulemaking Advisory Committee, focused on adding new language to the land use goal exception process for these public roadways. See table below for meetings summaries and recordings for this rulemaking.
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