The Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) is responsible for data collection, analysis, reporting, and research on postsecondary education and workforce training in Oregon. Our data helps inform efforts to improve affordability, equity, student success, and economic and community impact for Oregonians statewide. Here we are pleased to present featured research and findings about Oregon learners and how they are served by the education and training system today.
In addition to the information featured here, you can also explore links to our research, data and reports from the page below.
HECC Research, Data, and Reports
Higher Education and Training by the Numbers
Postsecondary Employment Outcomes Tool
Through a partnership with United States Census Bureau, we are pleased to share an online searchable data tool with information on the employment outcomes of postsecondary education and training. The Census Bureau’s Center for Economic Studies links state data on college and university graduates with state and federal employment data to create the Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes (PSEO) tool. The data tools show job placement and earnings outcomes across the country for graduates of each of Oregon’s 17 community colleges and seven public universities.
See our Fact Sheet for more information about this tool.
U.S. Census Bureau - Postsecondary Employment Outcomes Tool
Community College Measures from the Volunteer Framework for Accountability
The Voluntary Framework of Accountability (VFA) is a set of performance measures designed by community college leaders that encompass the wide mission of community colleges and range of student progress and outcomes. The VFA measures capture pre-collegiate preparation (developmental education and Adult Basic Education), academic progress and momentum points, completion and transfer, and career and technical education workforce outcomes. More information can be found at the
American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) website.