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Higher Education Coordination Commission

Updates and Consumer Alerts

The Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) Office of Academic Policy and Authorization: Private Postsecondary Education team is committed to student and consumer protection. On this page, you can find important updates on the regulatory status of private postsecondary colleges and institutions serving Oregonians, including school closures. We play a supporting role in the event of sudden school closures.

Click on the school name or topic below for the most recent update.

You can find a list of closed institutions and guidance on transcript requests here.

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Type of Update or Consumer Alert
School Closing/End of Instruction

​On January 21, 2024 Phagans' Beauty School - Medford informed the Higher Education Coordinating Commission that the school plans to close and would starting the school closure process. Phagans' Beauty School - Medfod is currently teaching out their current students and the school is working closely with their currently enrolled students to help them graduate. Phagans' Beauty School - Medford has stated that the school located in Medford, Oregon will close February 28, 2025.

For questions or to address concerns, please contact the school directly at the following email:​

Further updates will be posted to the HECC Consumer Alerts webpage.

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Type of Update or Consumer Alert
School Closing/End of Instruction

On December 13, 2024, Alma Institute informed the Higher Education Coordinating Commission that they plan to close their school and that they wish to start the school closure process. Alma Institute stated they will not enroll any new students. Please note that their school license has expired, and the school may not enroll or advertise without a current private career school license. If you have any questions, please contact HECC specialist Peter Gertenrich at

Students needing to request a transcript:

  • ​Please contact Rebecca Martinez for student transcripts: Rebecca Martinez email: or
We will provide any further relevant updates on our HECC Updates and Consumer Alerts Webpage.

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Type of Update or Consumer Alert
School Closing/End of Instruction and Announcement of TPF Claim Process

On January 3, 2024, Epicodus informed the HECC that it planned to close. Epicodus also cancelled the following three courses after their January 2024 meetings, reporting to the HECC that these cancellations were related to the planned closure:

  • October 2023 part time cohort, scheduled to end December 20, 2024
  • January 2024 full time cohort, scheduled to end August 16, 2024.
  • January 2024 part time cohort, scheduled to end March 21, 2025

Epicodus notified the HECC that it ended course instruction on March 8, 2024. EPICODUS has informed HECC that the business will remain open to provide student support for internships and career services.

On January 22, 2024, the HECC began the process of suspending Epicodus’ PCS License per OAR 715-045-0065. Under school license suspension, the school may not advertise to, recruit, enroll or begin instruction of new students. The school may, however, remain open to complete training of the currently enrolled students and provide other services as described in OAR 715-045-0001(62).

The HECC has required the School to pay appropriate refunds for the cancelled classes listed above. Under Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR)715-045-029(9)(b), Students that were not refunded and that were enrolled at the school on January 3, 2024 can file a claim for unreimbursed tuition against the state’s Tuition Protection Fund (TPF) for a refund.

You may file a TPF claim:
  1. If you were enrolled in any of the three cancelled classes listed above;
  2. If you paid tuition to Epicodus; and
  3. If you have not yet received an appropriate refund from the School.
​You may also submit a TPF claim if you were enrolled in another Epicodus course that was underway on or after January 3, 2024, if you subsequently withdrew from or were dismissed from the course and are still owed a refund of tuition you paid to the school.


To file a TPF claim please do the following:

If you have questions about the Tuition Protection Fund claim process, please send them to:​. Please also see our Frequently Asked Questions document.

Students needing to request a transcript:

  • You can contact EPICODUS for your transcript: Rachel Bussert, phone: (503)420-0275, E-mail:​

We will provide any further relevant updates on our HECC Updates and Consumer Alerts Webpage.

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Type of Update or Consumer Alert

See the following links for more information:   

November 2023, Multnomah University located at 8435 NE Glisan St.., Portland Oregon 97220 announced to the HECC Office of Degree Authorization (ODA) that they would be closing as of May 1, 2024, and would be taken over by Jessup University of California. The former Multnomah University would be re-named Multnomah Campus of Jessup University (MCJU) and would retain the physical presence in Oregon, continuing to provide classes on the Portland campus. Jessup University became the custodian of records and transcripts. MCJU because authorized by the HECC ODA and can provide instruction in the state of Oregon.​

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Type of Update or Consumer Alert
Closure – August 31, 2024

In May 2023, the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (OCOM) located at 75 NW Couch St., Portland Oregon 97068 announced to the HECC Office of Degree Authorization (ODA) that they would be closing as of August 31, 2024. PARCHMENT became the custodian of records and transcripts and the HECC ODA will also have a copy of all transcripts. An agreement was signed between OCOM and the Natural University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) in Oregon for students in the Master of Acupuncture, Master of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, and Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine programs to transfer to complete their degrees. An agreement was signed between OCOM and Five Branches University (FBU) in California for students in the

Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine program to transfer to complete their degrees.​

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Type of Update or Consumer Alert
Synthesis Digital, LLC, D.B.A Synthesis Institute, has closed and ceased their business operations on November 30, 2023. Synthesis Digital LLC, dba Synthesis Institute (the school) has provided the HECC with a contact person to handle inquiries after closing:​ Michelle Heinz​
Before the school's closing, the HECC took the following enforcement actions against Synthesis:

  • A notice of license suspension, violations, and an assessment of civil penalties was issued in November of 2023. This notice is subject to appeal.
  • The notice includes a requirement that the school pay full refunds to students who dropped because of the school’s unplanned closure/cessation of classes in March of 2023.
  • An Order by Default Letter

For students who qualify for a refund but are not properly refunded by the school, the HECC also maintains a Tuition Protection Fund (TPF) under Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 715-045-0029(9)b. Only students who initially enrolled after the school's initial licensing date of October 26, 2022, and who qualify for but have not received a full refund from Synthesis, were able to submit a claim to be paid from this fund. The HECC will administer a TPF refund claim process.

The Deadline to submit a TPF claim closed on April 30, 2024.


If you have questions about the Tuition Protection Fund claim process, please send them to: Please also see our Frequently Asked Questions​ document.
  • For Synthesis Institute students that have submitted your TPF claim form to the HECC by the April 30th, 2024, deadline via US mail, and if you have questions about the Tuition Protection Fund claim process, contact

Please note that the school has an appeal opportunity before the HECC's enforcement actions become final.

Any new updates will be posted on this HECC webpage, so please check back.

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Type of Update or Consumer Alert
Western Pacific Truck School of Oregon, LLC, a Portland-based CDL training program has closed. Under Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 715-045-0029(9)b, students who enrolled in the school prior to July 8, 2023, and were attending Western Pacific Truck School of Oregon at the time of its closure on August 7, 2023 had the ability to file a claim for unreimbursed tuition against the Tuition Protection Fund (TPF) for a refund. 
To file a TPF Claim, please do the following:
If you have questions about the Tuition Protection Fund claim process, email​  

Western Pacific Truck School of Oregon, LLC can be contacted about the following:

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Type of Update or Consumer Alert
Notice of License Suspension and School License has Expired.

The Higher Education Coordinating Commission(HECC) has issued ​Anchors and Ink Tattoo School a Notice of License Suspension (5/3/2024). This Oregon private career school offered Tattoo training in Bend, Oregon.

  • The notice issued on March 5, 2024 to the school provided the school with 21 days to contest the agency's action. (715-0045-0065(5)(c).
  • Under school license suspension, Anchors and Ink can teach-out the remaining students that were enrolled when the school received notice of school license suspension. The HECC will work with the school to help the remaining students complete their program.
  • Under school license suspension, the school may not advertise, recruit, enroll students, or begin instruction of new students, but may remain open to complete the training of the currently enrolled students as provided by OAR 715-045-0001(62)
  • The school's license has expired​ and the school is closed.​
  • If any Anchors and Ink Tattoo School student has any questions about the school closure, please contact specialist Pete Gertenrich at​ .

Other Resources for Students of Private Institutions

In addition to consumer alerts, we offer numerous other services for private institution students. We provide basic information on approved schools, intervene when a crisis occurs (for example, a sudden school closure), secure transcripts from closed schools, investigate student concerns that are not resolved at the institutional level, and more.

Public Hearings on Proposed Administrative Rule Changes

Many of our responsibilities are detailed in Oregon Statute or in Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs). When our agency proposes changes to OARs, we welcome input at public hearings.