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Information Records Inquiry System - I.R.I.S

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Private security provider records are available online by visiting the Information Record Inquiry System (I.R.I.S.) Click the blue button to use I.R.I.S. to search by last name or DPSST issued Private Security Identification Number (PSID).

Records available in I.R.I.S include provider's training, employment, certification and deficiency information. I.R.I.S offers the option to print a profile report. We encourage the use of I.R.I.S for individuals looking for public record information. If I.R.I.S does not provide the information you need,      please visit the Records Request Page. 

Private Security IRIS Information Video - 3 Minute 19 Seconds

After you have searched for the provider, you can view specific details of a provider by clicking on the provider's name that is hyperlinked on the left in the image shown below to view the certifications, training, and employment records for each provider. The Status column is not related to certification or whether the certification is issued or valid. The Status column is employment status, whether the individual is Active or Inactive with the employer listed. 

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Note: Certification and licensure records that have passed the required retention period as designed by the Secretary of State's Archive Schedule have been purged and will not be viewable in I.R.I.S. 

Alarm monitor professionals, event and entertainment professionals, unarmed professionals, and managers with a “In Process” status and a valid Temporary Work Permit are eligible to provide private security services for the company that issued the Temporary Work Permit while their application is processing. 

Below you will find a definition and action required for all deficiencies that show in I.R.I.S. You can use this list to better understand deficiencies that have been recorded for provider records.

I.R.I.S Term and Term Information

Your application was administratively terminated because of failure to respond to a deficiency notice within the required 21 days.  If you are administratively terminated, you are no longer allowed to provide security services and you must start the application process over as if you were a new applicant.
If your Temporary Work Permit is ‘Admin Term’ and your certification status is either ‘pending or under review’ you are no longer allowed to provide security services and your application or certification is being reviewed.  Please contact the Department if you have any questions.

“I received a deficiency notice in the mail and it stated that I had 21 days to respond. I didn’t get around to it and now my status shows Administratively Terminated. What do I need to do?”

  • After an administrative termination, you must start the application process over as a new applicant to include any fees, training and forms.

Your certification or license has been denied.

Your certification or license has been revoked.

The certification or license status of expired means one of the following:
a) The certificate or license is only valid for two years and those two years has passed.
b) The provider has submitted renewal paperwork for that certification or license.
c) The provider has submitted an upgrade application (from unarmed to armed).

“I submitted my renewal or upgrade paperwork and the certificate/license I possess is still good. Why does my current status online show as expired?”

  • In order to process your renewal or upgrade application, we must expire out your current certificate/license.

Your application is currently being process and we have all of the materials needed to continue the progress of your certification/license.
“Why is my certification/license in process for so long?”

  • During the application process, we must send your prints off to the FBI and the Oregon State Police for a background check. This background check can take up to 120 days.

The document submitted, typically a temporary work permit, is not valid and a new one must be sent to the department before the applicant can work.
“Why is my temporary work permit invalid?”

  • There are many reasons why your PS-20 temporary work permit (TWP) may be considered invalid. If any part of the application packet(training, fees, application, and fingerprints) is missing, the TWP will be invalid. The TWP is only valid if you have completed all portions of the application packet, the TWP was filled out in its entirety, signed by a current and licensed manager, and it has been mailed to the department with all of your application packet on or before the first day you started working.

Your application for certification or licensure is being reviewed by our compliance staff or Department of Justice for the following reasons:

a)Lack of good moral fitness was discovered on your background (mandatory or discretionary disqualifying misconduct)
b)A recent arrest or charge may have occurred
c)A violation of Oregon Administrative Rule or Oregon Revised Statue may have occurred
d)You may be the subject of an investigation
e)You may have been mailed a correspondence from our compliance staff regarding your certificate or license
f)You may have been issued a Notice of Termination, which make you ineligible to provide security services
g)You may have been sent formal notices regarding a denial of application/certification

There is a deficiency with the quality of the fingerprints submitted and they have been rejected by either the FBI or the Oregon State Police. You should have or will be receiving a deficiency notice giving you 21 days to resubmit a new set of fingerprints.
“I saw that my fingerprints were rejected. What do I need to do?”

  • You will receive a deficiency notice from the department about the rejection. You will be given 21 days to have your prints rolled again and submitted to the Department. If your prints are rejected 3 times by FBI, there is an additional fee you must pay in order to submit them again.


You surrendered your certification or licensure.

Your certificate or license has been suspended due to a recent charge or failure to maintain armed or firearms annual training. You are not allowed to work until there has been a final disposition of the case and you have not been convicted of any disqualifying crimes or the Program has accepted the required armed training.

Your certificate or license is being reviewed by our compliance staff or Department of Justice for the following reasons:
a)  Lack of good moral fitness was discovered on your background (mandatory or discretionary disqualifying misconduct)
b)  A recent arrest or charge may have occurred
c)  A violation of Oregon Administrative Rule or Oregon Revised Statue may have occurred
d)  You may be the subject of an investigation
e)  You may have been mailed a correspondence from our compliance staff regarding your certificate or license
f)  You may have been issued a Notice of Termination, which make you ineligible to provide security services
g)  You may have been sent formal notices regarding a denial of application/certification

Upon receipt of an upgrade application packet, your unarmed certification status is changed to upgrade and a new certification is entered for armed/unarmed certification.

You withdrew your application for certification/licensure.

Either you or the company has indicated that you are employed with the listed company.

Either you or the company has indicated that you are no longer employed with the listed company.

This is the current status of the training you have attended or plan on attending.  There are many different status types to include: attended, cancelled, completed, dismissed, failed, incomplete, no show, passed, registered and submitted.