Professional Certification:
Alarm Monitor Professional - $94*
Armed/Unarmed Professional - $110*
Event and Entertainment - $94*
Unarmed Professional - $94*
Instructor Certification:
Alarm Monitor Instructor - $130*
Firearms Instructor - $403.00* (Includes $250 range fee)
Unarmed Instructor - $312*
Manager Licensure Fee:
Supervisory Manager - $120*
Executive Manager - $400*
Administrative Charges:
Background Check Fee - $45*
Certification Reinstatement - $25
Late fee - $35**
Replacement Card - $24
Upgrade to Armed - $45
*The background fee and fingerprints are not required if upgrading, renewing or adding certification or licesure. The background fee and fingerprints are required for a new applicant or an applicant whose certification or license expired more than four years at the time of application.
**A late fee is required if the application to renew is received by the program after the expiration of the certification or license being renewed.