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Renew a Certification or License

Each certification or license type offered is listed below and provides a brief overview of the minimum standards, forms and fees required for each type. Please note, an individual may be approved for one certification but denied other certification or license types if the individual does not meet the minimum standards for the specific certification or license type you are renewing.

Prior to submitting the renewal application, please review the minimum standards for the type of certification or license. Minimum standard requirements are listed on the Background Information page by type and are also available in Oregon Administrative Rule.
Certification and Licensure Fees
Links to Forms, Training and frequently asked questions can be found in the navigation menu on the left.

Certification and Licensure Types:

What forms do I need to submit when renewing my Alarm Monitor certification?

Application packets must be completed in their entirety and must include:

  1. A completed Form PS-21;

  2. The original Form PS-6 completed, documenting completion of the training required;

  3. If currently employed, an original, completed Form PS-20; and

  4. Nonrefundable certification or licensure fees.

​​Be of good moral fitness as determined by a background check, department investigation or other reliable sources. A lack of good moral fitness includes, but is not limited to, mandatory and discretionary disqualifying misconduct as described in OAR 259-060-0300.

Please review the Background Check Information page to review mandatory and discretionary disqualifiers prior to applying for certification or licensure.​

What forms do I need to submit when renewing my Armed Private Security certification?

All applicants for certification or licensure must complete an application packet containing:

  1. A completed Form PS-21;

  2. The original Form PS-6 completed, documenting completion of the training required; and

  3. Nonrefundable certification or licensure fee.

Be of good moral fitness as determined by a background check, department investigation or other reliable sources. A lack of good moral fitness includes, but is not limited to, mandatory and discretionary disqualifying misconduct as described in OAR 259-060-0320.

Please review the Background Check Information page to review mandatory and discretionary disqualifiers prior to applying for certification or licensure.​

What forms do I need to submit when renewing my Event and Entertainment Private Security certification?

All applicants for renewal of certification or licensure must complete a renewal application packet containing:

  1. ​A completed Form PS-21;

  2. Copies of Certificates of Completion of the Event and Entertainment course and exam;

  3. If currently employed, a completed Form PS-20 (temporary work permit);and

  4. Nonrefundable certification or licensure fees.

Be of good moral fitness as determined by a background check, department investigation or other reliable sources. A lack of good moral fitness includes, but is not limited to, mandatory and discretionary disqualifying misconduct as described in OAR 259-060-0310.

Please review the Background Check Information page to review mandatory and discretionary disqualifiers prior to applying for certification or licensure.

​What training do I need to complete for Event and Entertainment Professional certification?​​

Please review the information on the Event and Entertainment Online Training Information​ page. ​

What forms do I need to submit when renewing my Unarmed Private Security certification?

All applicants for renewal of certification or licensure must complete a renewal application packet containing:

  1. ​A completed Form PS-21;

  2. The original Form PS-6 completed, documenting completion of the training required;

  3. If currently employed, a completed Form PS-20 (temporary work permit);and

  4. Nonrefundable certification or licensure fees.

Be of good moral fitness as determined by a background check, department investigation or other reliable sources. A lack of good moral fitness includes, but is not limited to, mandatory and discretionary disqualifying misconduct as described in OAR 259-060-0310.

Please review the Background Check Information page to review mandatory and discretionary disqualifiers prior to applying for certification or licensure.​

How do I renew my Supervisory Manager license?

To renew your Supervisory Manager license, submit the following:

  1. A completed Form PS-21;

  2. If currently employed, an original, completed Form PS-20 (temporary work permits will not be issued to armed private security professionals or private security instructors);

  3. Nonrefundable certification or licensure fees; and

  4. Completion of the private security manager course provided by the Private Security Program* ​​

*DPSST offers the manager course via a live virtual course and exam or an on-demand course module and exam. Please review course options on the manager page​​​.

Be of good moral fitness as determined by a background check, department investigation or other reliable sources. A lack of good moral fitness includes, but is not limited to, mandatory and discretionary disqualifying misconduct as described in OAR 259-060-0320.

Please review the Background Check Information page to review mandatory and discretionary disqualifiers prior to applying for certification or licensure.

Please note: Taking a manager course will not fulfill the requirements for the unarmed professional certification. If you are providing security services, you will need to attend an unarmed renewal class every two years.  If you renew the manager and professional certification at the same time, you can renew the professional certification under the fees paid to renew the manager license; please note both refresher courses are required.

How do I renew my Executive Manager License?

To renew your Executive Manager License, submit the following:

  1. A completed Form PS-21

  2. A completed Form PS-24;

  3. If currently employed, an original, completed Form PS-20 (temporary work permit);

  4. Nonrefundable certification or licensure fees; and

  5. Completion of the private security manager course provided by the Private Security Program*​​

*DPSST offers the manager course via a live virtual course and exam or an on-demand course module and exam. Please review course options on the manager page​​​​.

Be of good moral fitness as determined by a background check, department investigation or other reliable sources. A lack of good moral fitness includes, but is not limited to, mandatory and discretionary disqualifying misconduct as described in OAR 259-060-0320.

Please review the Background Check Information page to review mandatory and discretionary disqualifiers prior to applying for certification or licensure.​

Please note: Taking a manager course will not fulfill the requirements for the unarmed professional certification. If you are providing security services, you will need to attend an unarmed refresher class every two years. If you renew both the executive manager license and the unarmed or alarm monitor professional certification, you can renew the professional certification under the fees paid to renew the manager license; please note both refresher courses are required. Armed professional cannot be combined and must be paid separately.

How do I renew my Instructor certification?

An application packet for renewing certification or licensure as a private security Instructor must be completed in its entirety and must include:

  1. A completed Form PS-21;

  2. A Form PS-8 (Continuing Education Form);

  3. Nonrefundable renewal certification or licensure fees; and

  4. Complete the required 1 day Alarm Monitor Professional Instructor online course, provided by DPSST via WebEx.

Optional: If you would like to have your contact information published on the private security website on the Instructor List, please include the Instructor List Request Form with your application to renew even if you were previously on the Instructor List.

Be of good moral fitness as determined by a background check, department investigation or other reliable sources. A lack of good moral fitness includes, but is not limited to, mandatory and discretionary disqualifying misconduct as described in OAR 259-060-0320.

Please review the Background Check Information page to review mandatory and discretionary disqualifiers prior to applying for certification or licensure.​

Currently certified alarm monitor private security instructors who are also certified as an alarm monitor private security professional are exempt from the required alarm monitor private security professional renewal training if they have documented a minimum of 24 hours delivering any combination of the alarm monitor basic course or the alarm monitor renewal course during the current certification period. The Professional Training Exemption Form​ must be submitted with the application for alarm monitor professional renewal in the place of the Form PS-6 for the alarm monitor renewal course.​

Renewal application documents may be received by the Department up to 180 days prior to the expiration date of the certification or licensure. This allows time for processing of the forms and background check.
A late submission penalty will be assessed if reapplying after the expiration date of the certification or licensure.​

How do I renew my instructor certification?

An application packet for renewing an instructor certification must be completed in its entirety and must include:

  1. A completed Form PS-21;

  2. A Completed Form PS-8 w/ proof of continuing education;

  3. Nonrefundable renewal certification fee;

  4. A certificate of completion for the unarmed instructor online course; and

  5. Have successfully completed either of the following unarmed training requirements at least once within three years prior to submission of an application for unarmed instructor renewal

    • Participation in the instructor demonstration component of the unarmed private security instructor development course; or

    • the unarmed private security instructor development course in its entirety.

Optional: If you would like to have your contact information published on the private security website on the Instructor List, please include the Instructor List Request Form with your application to renew even if you were previously on the Instructor List.

Be of good moral fitness as determined by a background check, department investigation or other reliable sources. A lack of good moral fitness includes, but is not limited to, mandatory and discretionary disqualifying misconduct as described in OAR 259-060-0320.

Please review the Background Check Information page to review mandatory and discretionary disqualifiers prior to applying for certification or licensure.​

Unarmed Instructor Online Renewal Course

Updated Guidelines for Unarmed Certified Instructor Demonstrations

Workday Registration Instructions for Online Training

Instructions for Printing Certificate in Workday

Currently certified unarmed private security instructors who are also certified as an unarmed private security professional are exempt from the required unarmed private security professional renewal training if they have documented a minimum of 28 hours delivering any combination of the unarmed basic course or the unarmed renewal course during the current certification period. The Professional Training Exemption Form​ must be submitted with the application for renewal of the unarmed professional certification in the place of the Form PS-6 for the unarmed renewal course.​

Renewal application documents may be received by the Department up to 180 days prior to the expiration date of the certification or licensure. This allows time for processing of the forms and background check.
A late submission penalty will be assessed if reapplying after the expiration date of the certification or licensure.​​

How do I renew my Instructor certification?

An application packet for renewing certification or licensure as a private security Instructor must be completed in its entirety and must include:

  1. A completed Form PS-21;

  2. A Form PS-8 (Continuing Education Form);

  3. Annual Firearms Instructor Marksmanship Qualification includes an annual firearms marksmanship requalification.

  4. Nonrefundable renewal certification or licensure fees; and

  5. Successfully complete the firearms private security instructor course, written exam, and marksmanship qualifications, put on by DPSST.

Optional: If you would like to have your contact information published on the private security website on the Instructor List, please include the Instructor List Request Form with your application to renew even if you were previously on the Instructor List.

Be of good moral fitness as determined by a background check, department investigation or other reliable sources. A lack of good moral fitness includes, but is not limited to, mandatory and discretionary disqualifying misconduct as described in OAR 259-060-0320.

Please review the Background Check Information page to review mandatory and discretionary disqualifiers prior to applying for certification or licensure.

Applicants must achieve a score of 100 percent on all examinations and assessments with remediation in accordance with OAR 259-060-0135​.

Renewal application documents may be received by the Department up to 180 days prior to the expiration date of the certification or licensure. This allows time for processing of the forms and background check.
A late submission penalty will be assessed if reapplying after the expiration date of the certification or licensure.​​