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Oregon Department of Human Services Search Site

Resources for Programs Serving Older Adults

Community Services and Supports Unit

The Community Services and Supports Unit (CCSU) helps older adults maintain themselves in the community with independence, dignity and choice through services funded by the Older Americans Act.

We work closely with Oregon's 16 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) to create a comprehensive package of community services and collaborate with community partners to develop and administer the federally required State Plan on Aging.

State Plan on Aging  AAA overview   Contact us Sign up for updates

Oregon State Plan on Aging

Oregon State Plan on AgingThe State Plan on Aging is a plan for Oregon's programs under the federal Older Americans Act of 1965. It provides new initiatives to serve all older adults equitably and to help older adults transitions out of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Plan also offers new initiatives for Older Americans Act programs offered by Oregon's AAAs.

Current State Plan (2023-2026)

Previous State Plans