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Environmental Protection Agency grants

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

  • Nonpoint Source Water Quality Control (319) Grants
    Grant funds available through Section 319 of the Water Quality Act of 1987 are a critical element in turning Oregon's NPS control program into water quality protection realities in watersheds throughout the state. ODEQ solicits proposals each year in October.
  • Clean Water State Revolving Fund
    Nonpoint projects are eligible, as long as they have a water quality benefit, are sponsored by public entities, and demonstrate ability to pay back the loan. Amounts and terms vary but interest rates are well below levels of inflation. A portion of the SRF program may be considered match to 319 grants. Example programs include: conversion of open agriculture irrigations ditch to a piped system; City of Portland riparian restoration/land purchase.

U.S. Department of Agricultural Natural Resources Conservation Services

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation


For basin specific information, contact the appropriate Basin Coordinator. 

Basin Coordinator List

Steve Mrazik
Watershed Management Manager