TMDL development and implementation is a public process. That means DEQ will work to keep the public informed and will consider their concerns and ideas. Each project TMDL will include a rule advisory committee to provide information and feedback on the TMDL during development, as well as a web page for each TMDL with meeting materials and project updates. DEQ will incorporate environmental justice practices to make participation as open and accessible as possible. Additionally, DEQ will have a formal public comment period where anyone can provide comments. DEQ will develop a response to comment document that will be available to the public. For rulemaking information, visit the rulemaking webpages.
DEQ will provide two informational webinars about the Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load Replacements. The webinars will provide an opportunity to exchange questions and answers about the technical approach to revising the Lower Columbia-Sandy Subbasin and Willamette Subbasins TMDLs.
Lower Columbia-Sandy Subbasin on March 21, 2023, at 2 p.m. PT.
Willamette Subbasins on March 22, 2023, at 1 p.m. PT.
Webinar - Jan. 31, 2023
DEQ held an informational webinar about the Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load Replacements for the Lower Columbia-Sandy Subbasin and the Willamette Subbasins on Jan. 31, 2023. The webinar provided information about the rulemakings and the technical approach to revising the TMDLs and the Water Quality Management Plans.