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Middle Columbia-Hood Basin

DEQ issues revised Western Hood Subbasin Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load

The Western Hood Subbasin TMDL was first issued in December 2001 and approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 2002. The 2001 TMDL incorporated a temperature standard that had been adopted by the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission in 1996. In December 2003, the Commission adopted a new temperature standard, which was approved by the EPA in March 2004. This revision updates the 2001 TMDL to incorporate the State’s current temperature standard.  
DEQ released a draft revised TMDL for public review and comment in April 2017. Written comments were received from four parties and addressed as part of the formal response to comment process. DEQ issued the final revised temperature TMDL and submitted to EPA for approval in February 2018.

TMDL documents

Resource documents

Middle Columbia-Hood Basins


For basin specific information, contact the appropriate Basin Coordinator. 

Basin Coordinator List