Recycled Water Use is regulated by DEQ under Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340, Division 55, which prescribes restrictions, treatment, and monitoring requirements for the beneficial use of recycled water. Recycled water projects must also comply with groundwater quality protection rules in OAR 340-040.
Any municipality wishing to provide recycled water must develop and submit a Recycled Water Use Plan that documents the treatment, monitoring, and management of the recycled water for DEQ review and approval. Once DEQ decides the reuse plan is complete, it is placed on public notice. After addressing the public comments, DEQ makes its final decision. When a reuse plan meets DEQ's rules and requirements, DEQ approves the plan, and it becomes an enforceable portion of the municipality's water quality permit. DEQ has a template for developing a reuse plan. Additional recycled water materials can be found below.
Recycled Water Rules: OAR 340, Division 55
Recycled water use, policy, definitions, water quality standards and requirements
Recycled Water Use Plan: Checklist and Template
Checklist and Template for Applicants and Permit Review