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Recycled Water

Recycled water is the treated effluent from a municipal wastewater treatment system that as a result of treatment is suitable for a direct beneficial purpose. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality may permit recycled water for use in beneficial purposes that are protective of human health, the environment, and provide a resource benefit such as irrigating crops, maintaining green spaces, equipment cooling or other industrial activities.

Check out the frequently asked questions to learn more about this program.

​DEQ encourages the use of recycled water for agricultural, industrial, recreational, and other beneficial purposes in a way that protects public health and the environment. Using recycled water can improve water quality by reducing discharge to surface waters, preserving drinking water for drinking, as well as conserving groundwater and stream flows. With proper implementation, the use of recycled water could provide additional benefits such as social and economic vitality, ecological restoration, infrastructure resilience, and help provide a more reliable water supply. The appropriate use of recycled water in conjunction with other sustainable practices can help protect and preserve water resources in Oregon. ​These are summarized in the following documents: Recycled Water Classes​, Beneficial Use Chart.

Recycled Water Classes

Recycled water is categorized into five classes. Each of these classes have specific water quality criteria, land application restrictions and regulations specific to their category. These are summarized in this document. 

The categories are:

  1. Nondisinfected
  2. Class D
  3. Class C
  4. Class B
  5. Class A

Recycled Water Map

Recycled water is widely used across the state and the world. The EPA has developed an action plan to help promote water reuse across the country.  The Oregon Recycled Water Facility Map​ indicates the municipalities and some of the industries in Oregon with a permitted water reuse program. 

Recycled Water Use is regulated by DEQ under Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340, Division 55, which prescribes restrictions, treatment, and monitoring requirements for the beneficial use of recycled water. Recycled water projects must also comply with groundwater quality protection rules in OAR 340-040.

Any municipality wishing to provide recycled water must develop and submit a Recycled Water Use Plan that documents the treatment, monitoring, and management of the recycled water for DEQ review and approval. Once DEQ decides the reuse plan is complete, it is placed on public notice. After addressing the public comments, DEQ makes its final decision. When a reuse plan meets DEQ's rules and requirements, DEQ approves the plan, and it becomes an enforceable portion of the municipality's water quality permit. DEQ has a template for developing a reuse plan. Additional recycled water materials can be found below.    

Recycled Water Rules: OAR 340, Division 55
Recycled water use, policy, definitions, water quality standards and requirements

Recycled Water Use Plan: Chec​klist a​nd Template
Checklist and Template for Applicants and Permit Review

Oregon Health Authority – The Oregon Health Authority is concerned with the public health aspects of recycled water use and comments recycled water use plans when Class C, D, or nondisinfected water is reused or when a new beneficial use is proposed.

Oregon Water Resources Department - Recycled water use, also called reclaimed water by Water Resources, must be registered with the Oregon Water Resources Department each permit cycle. The forms and instructions for completing this registration process is provided on Water Resources' website. ​


The use of recycled water requires:

Additional Documentation

Applications for recycled water use may require one or more of the following. Applicants should contact their regional DEQ office for more information.

  • Site specific information at the point of reuse.
  • Information for the approval of an alternative beneficial purposes if use is not listed in reuse table.
  • A summary of recycled water quality and quantity.
  • Registration of a UIC System if recycled water is used for aquifer recharge. 

Changes to any recycled water program or RWUP are only allowed if the municipality's permit is active. All administratively extended permits are frozen including their recycled water program and cannot be changed until the permit is renewed.  ​


Implementation of Oregon's Recycled Water Use Rules
Rule review, permitting process, RWUP review, design and technical requirements

Land Application of Reclaimed Water
Land application of reclaimed agricultural and industrial process water, and biosolids on EFU lands

Land Use Regulation Pertaining to Recycled Water
History and benefits, legislative remedy, process for proposals

Oregon Crop Water Use and Irrigation Requirements (1999)
Oregon State University Extension Services

Recycled water annual report form and instructions
Annual reporting template and instructions for NPDES and WPCF permittees

Recycled water irrigation on agricultural crops and soils (2024)
The water research foundation

Table of Recycled Water Beneficial Purposes
Beneficial purposes for irrigation, industrial, commercial, construction, and impounds or artificial groundwater recharge

Oregon State Funding

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of all available funding options. Examples of current funding sources are listed below.

  1. Business Oregon (BizOR)
  2. Clean Water State Revolving Fund
  3. Oregon Water Resources Department Funding
  4. Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC)

Federal Funding

This list will be updated as information becomes available. ​