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Source Water Protection Workshops

Notice for Drinking Water Protection Program users

DEQ's Drinking Water Protection Program has updated its web pages. Over the next few months, we will be making additional improvements in navigation and usability. Be sure to bookmark these new pages to stay current with the latest information from the program. 

Upcoming workshops

DEQ and local partners will be hosting a series of partial-day workshops on source water protection for coastal communities. The intent of these workshops is to provide resources to identify land conservation and acquisition tools and potential funding sources which can be used to keep drinking water clean, reliable, and safe while also providing economic benefits to your community. Join your fellow drinking water providers, local government officials, conservation practitioners, land managers, and funding partners to share successes and challenges, access resources, and talk to partners about source water protection efforts. 

Coastal Partnerships for Drinking Water Protection Workshop Series, October 2024

Save the date! Register in advance for your workshop.

Past workshops

Stages of Land Conservation
Joint document provide by DEQ, OHA, Oregon Land Trusts, and the Economic Development Alliance 




​​Documents provided by Cadmus Consulting unless otherwise noted



Additional documents

​​Serving multiple subbasins in Oregon and Washington​


Workshop Summary and Meeting Notes



Small Group Discussion Questions





Questions for Discussion

Workshop Summary/Meeting Notes


Julie Harvey
Drinking Water Program Coordinator
