Small Water System Outreach Project
Small water systems can face unique financial and operational challenges in consistently providing drinking water that meets Safe Drinking Water Act standards and requirements. To learn how the Drinking Water Protection Program at DEQ is working to support Oregon's small public water systems with source water protection, check out the Small System Outreach Project Story Map.
What is a small water system?
The Safe Drinking Water Act defines small systems as public water systems that serve 10,000 or fewer people.
Source water protection resources
Source water protection is the practice of safeguarding sources of drinking water from contamination. Small systems can take numerous actions to protect, maintain, or improve the quality and quantity of their drinking water to protect public health. Additional benefits of source water protection include preserving water quality for wildlife and recreational use, ensuring a reliable water supply, and reducing the need for costly water treatment processes. Below are resources that small water systems can use to support source water protection projects.
Small water system capacity building
Public education material
For more source water protection fact sheets, visit our Publications page.