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Cleanup Agreement

On March 15, 2000, the DEQ Heating Oil Tank Program began licensing companies to certify that heating oil tank decommissionings and cleanups were protective of human health and the environment. 

HOT cleanup projects can be very complex. Examples of these complex sites include but are not limited to the following:

  • Where significant releases to soil cannot be removed to Oregon cleanup criteria due to large volumes;
  • Where buildings or other subsurface features make removal of soil contamination infeasible;
  • Where contamination may affect current or future beneficial uses of groundwater or surface water;
  • Where engineering controls are needed to achieve protective conditions at the site. An example of an engineering control would be a vapor barrier or depressurization system designed to eliminate the ability of sub-surface vapors to enter a structure;
  • Where on-going monitoring will be needed to confirm engineering controls are performing properly or beneficial groundwater uses are not affected; and/or
  • Where filing of an institutional control, or deed restriction, to restrict a specific use of the site will be necessary.

The current certification fees for Soil Matrix, Generic Remedy and Risk-Based allow DEQ to provide limited direction and technical assistance to homeowners and service providers.

These complex sites generally require more coordination between DEQ and the service providers. To meet this need, DEQ developed a HOT Cleanup Agreement that allows DEQ to be adequately involved in complex sites.

HOT Program staff will work with your licensed HOT service provider to determine if issues associated with your site warrant HOT Program Cleanup Agreement submittal.

This process is completed through Your DEQ Online. Establish an individual Responsible Official accounts in Your DEQ Online and link to the “Leaking Underground Storage Tank“ Submittal Group. See guidance on Your DEQ Online account registration. 

For more information on how to complete LUST/Leaking HOT Cost Recovery Agreement Submittal visit the User guide and Resource page​.

​​Yes, licensed HOT service providers must still certify that the work performed meets the requirements of Oregon law (Oregon Administrative Rules 340-122-0205 through 340-122-0360 Chapter 340, Division 177).

​​Depending on site conditions, a conditional no further action letter may be issued for the site. A site that may warrant issuance of a no further action letter in lieu of a closure letter would involve the presence of an engineering control that would require operation and maintenance.

​No, but you are required to satisfactorily complete the cleanup. At complex sites, your service provider may recommend that you hire an environmental consulting firm (i.e. registered geologist or professional engineer) to design a protective cleanup and allow the contractor to certify the project.​


For help with Your DEQ Online, please visit Your DEQ Online Help page or submit a ticket to Your DEQ Online Helpdesk.

For program technical information, contact the Heating Oil Tanks Program or call 503-229-6170.