HB 2017 (2017) requires DEQ, by no later than April 15 of each year, to calculate the average cost or cost-savings of the Clean Fuels Program per gallon of gasoline (E10) and per gallon of diesel (B5) for the previous year. The approach and values used to calculate the cost of compliance below are conservative. It does not account for the value of CFP credits being used to lower the cost of the low-carbon biofuels being blended into gasoline and diesel for use in Oregon, nor does it capture the value of the credits making other low carbon fuels such as electricity, renewable natural gas or renewable propane cheaper and more affordable to consumers in Oregon. The State Department of Agriculture must provide the formula and results of these calculations to each gas station in Oregon to facilitate compliance by gas station owners or operators with ORS 646.932. DEQ is also required to calculate the total greenhouse gas emissions reductions attributable to the low carbon fuel standards for the preceding calendar year.
Average cost of the Clean Fuels Program per gallon of E10 for 2023: $0.0980 or 9.80 cents per gallon of E10
Average cost of the Clean Fuels Program per gallon of B5 for 2023: $0.1117 or 11.17 cents per gallon of B5
Greenhouse gases reduced by the Clean Fuels Program in 2023: 2.74 million metric tons of greenhouse gases
Total greenhouse gases reduced by the Clean Fuels Program from 2016-2023: approximately 11.5 million metric tons of greenhouse gases