Many Oregon companies with fleets are participating in pilot programs where they have bought a single electric vehicle – but how do we get that to turn into 10 or 100 or the entire fleet? In the current Clean Fuels Program, credits are generated on a quarterly basis when the fleet reports the amount of electricity used to power its vehicles. On an individual vehicle level, the rate of credit generation may seem to be a little drop in a very large bucket. To accelerate that pace, the Clean Fuels Program has created a new provision that allows eligible fleets to generate credits in advance of when they would normally be generated - up to six years' worth - once the vehicle is put into service. This is called advance crediting.
Advance credits can only be generated by deploying electric vehicles. Public entities such as local governments, port authorities, tribal governments, transit agencies, and school districts can apply for advance credits but certain private entities, such as those under franchise agreements with public entities or that are on contract to provide a public service such as garbage trucks can also apply. A public entity can apply for advance credits for medium and heavy-duty electric vehicles and for light-duty vehicles if it can show commitment to electrify their entire light-duty fleet in 15 years. DEQ will accept applications for eligible projects at least annually.
Overview of advance crediting
Fact sheets