How DEQ's structure works for cleaner air, land and water
DEQ's Air, Land, and Water Quality divisions are the foundation of the agency, protecting human health and the wealth of Oregon's natural resources.
DEQ's regional offices help protect Oregon's environment in every corner of the state, working with local communities, residents, and stakeholders to address environmental issues.
Director - Leah Feldon
Deputy Director - Shannon Davis
Policy and External Relations - Matthew Davis Email, 503-229-6345
Office of Communications and Outreach -
Lauren WirtisEmail, 503-229-6494
Central Services - Brian BolingEmail, 503-693-5745
Division administrators
Air Quality - Ali Mirzakhalili
Email, 503-229-5041
Land Quality - Interim: Michael Kucinski Email, 503-804-5692
Water Quality - Jennifer Wigal
Email, 503-535-9763
Laboratory - Lori Pillsbury
Email, 503-312-1525
Regional administrators
Eastern Region - Laura Fredrickson
Email, 503-913-5091
Northwest Region - Christine Svetkovich
Email, 503-229-6991
Western Region - Keith Andersen
Email, 541-687-7355