Eugene Water and Electric Board
Primary location: Holiday Farm Fire impact area in Lane County Project: Provides financial aid to repair/replace septic systems as part of their Pure Water Partners program.
- Grant Amount: $1,592,410
Homes for Good
Primary location: Lazy Days Mobile Home Park, which is part of the Holiday Farm impacted area in Lane County
Project: Developing a total of 30 spaces with a community septic system, upgrading the previous multiple systems on the property.
Lincoln County
Primary location: Echo Mountain Complex Fire in Lincoln County
Project: Provides financial aid for up to 150 homeowners engaged in replacement/repair of septic systems damaged by the fire.
Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments
Primary location: Beachie Creek and Lionshead Fire impact areas in Marion County
Project: Provides financial aid to repair/replace septic systems within the North Santiam Canyon with a focus on Detroit, Idanha, Gates and other unincorporated areas.