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Buying or Selling Wood Stoves

Oregon's Heat Smart Program

What you need to know about the required removal of uncertified wood stoves and fireplace inserts in a home sale.

Buying or selling a house with a wood stove or fireplace insert?

If you're buying or selling a home with a wood stove or fireplace insert in Oregon, you must ensure it was certified to meet emissions performance standards at the time of manufacture. If it was not certified, state law requires it to be removed, destroyed and disposed of when a home is sold. The home buyer or seller must report to DEQ that the stove or insert was decommissioned.  

Fact sheet: Buying or Selling a Home With a Woodstove or Fireplace Insert

Use the links along the right side of this page to access the online form for notifying DEQ when an uncertified device has been removed and destroyed. 

To tell if your wood stove or fireplace insert is certified, you need to locate an Oregon DEQ or U.S. EPA certification label on the back of the device. Certification occurs at the time of manufacturing and cannot be granted to devices that are already in use. 

Once you've removed and destroyed an uncertified wood stove or fireplace insert, you need to properly dispose of it and notify DEQ. It is unlawful to sell or offer to sell a new or used uncertified wood stove or fireplace insert in Oregon. The links below provide information to help you meet disposal requirements for uncertified wood stoves and fireplace inserts: 

DEQ recommends taking removed and destroyed uncertified wood stoves and fireplace inserts to a scrap metal dealer or metal recycling facility. The list above provides names and locations of several businesses around the state that will accept these uncertified wood heating devices.  

Disposal receipt

When you take your uncertified wood stove or fireplace insert to a facility to be disposed of, be sure to ask for a disposal receipt. You don't have to submit the disposal receipt to DEQ, but you'll need to reference it when submitting an uncertified wood stove or fireplace insert removal notification to DEQ.  ​

Click on the appropriate link at the right to fill out the electronic notification form. You'll need your tax lot number and disposal receipt to complete the online notification form. Once you've completed the online form, you'll immediately receive a confirmation number from DEQ. Retain the confirmation for your records as documentation that you've met the removal, destruction and disposal requirements for uncertified wood stoves and fireplace inserts. ​​

Online notification

Submit your uncertified wood stove removal notification online by using one of these options:


Trinh Huynh
Air Quality Division