Adopted rule
Administrative Order:
Filed and effective: Feb. 3, 2022
Oregon Bulletin, March 2022
2018-2028 Regional Haze Plan
The purpose of the Regional Haze Program is to improve visibility in wilderness areas and national parks with the goal to attain natural visibility conditions by 2064. Oregon's Regional Haze Program implements the federal 1999 Regional Haze Rule as amended in 2017. DEQ also implements the Regional Haze Plan to protect and improve visibility in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area.
The federal Regional Haze Rule requires states to periodically update Regional Haze Plans. DEQ began work on the 2018 – 2018 Regional Haze Plan in 2019 and has been coordinating plan development with neighboring states, federal land management agencies, the Western Regional Air Partnership and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 10. DEQ completed required formal consultation with federal land managers and engaged in government-to-government consultation with Oregon’s nine federally recognized tribes.
In July 2021, the Environmental Quality Commission adopted rules in Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340 Division 223. Those rules provided DEQ the authority to issue orders to certain stationary sources to install pollution controls or otherwise reduce emissions of the regional haze pollutants: nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter of diameter 10 microns and less. The 2018 – 2028 Regional Haze Plan includes those orders.
See the Regional Haze 2021 Rulemaking page for complete information.
Administrative Order No. DEQ-14-2021
Filed and effective: July 26, 2021
See Oregon Bulletin, August 2021
DEQ has begun a rulemaking that will propose revisions to its Regional Haze Rules. Oregon’s Regional Haze Rules implement the federal 1999 Regional Haze Rule as amended in 2017. The purpose of the Regional Haze Program is to improve visibility in wilderness areas and national parks with the goal to attain natural visibility conditions by 2064. DEQ also implements the 2017 Regional Haze Rule to protect and improve visibility in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. The federal Regional Haze rule requires states to periodically update Regional Haze Plans.
DEQ is currently preparing a Round 2 Regional Haze Plan for the years 2021 through 2028. Regional Haze Plans must include federally enforceable rules for sources to reduce emissions of haze-forming pollutants. In Round 2, these pollutants are particulate matter, nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides. DEQ will conduct two rulemakings associated with the Round 2 Regional Haze Plan. The Environmental Quality Commission adopted rules to codify in Division 223, the screening procedure that identifies facilities for which DEQ will require pollution controls, the process followed to determine cost effectiveness of those controls and compliance options available to facilities. A second rulemaking will commence in summer 2021 and will include a public notice and comment period pertaining to the adoption of Oregon’s Round 2 Regional Haze Plan and the plan’s submission to the Environmental Protection Agency for approval.
Advisory committee
DEQ convened an advisory committee to review the fiscal impacts related to the proposed rules. In convening this committee, DEQ has appointed members that reflect the range of entities that are both directly and indirectly affected by proposed changes to the rules.
Meeting 1: May 17, 2021
For more information about regional haze and development of the 2018 – 2028 Regional Haze Plan, please visit the
Oregon Regional Haze Program.