What public processes does DEQ follow when permitting Coffin Butte Landfill?Statutory requirements for public process vary by type of permit. DEQ endeavors to make all interested parties aware of permitting decisions. This may include posting to our website, news releases, mailings to nearby property owners/residents, hearings, and community meetings. Notices may be available on this web page for upcoming events.
What does DEQ inspect at Coffin Butte Landfill?
The permits each have their own requirements for inspection. Details can be found in the permits themselves (links in sections above).
What DEQ permit process is required for a potential expansion of Coffin Butte Landfill?
Any potential expansion would first require Conditional Use Permit approval from Benton County. DEQ will not act on a proposal to expand the landfill outside of the approved footprint in the current Site Development Plan and Land Use Compatibility Statement without land use approval from Benton County.
Permit modification applications to DEQ would be required for each of its permits, and the steps to modify the permits may involve a public process.
Development of Cell 6 in the current quarry area is part of the current permit and land use approval. Potential expansion to other areas may be proposed at any time.