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Wave 1 Agency Communications

This webpage is a log of all Wave 1 agency project emails, and change management messages and resources. We add to this page regularly, please revisit often to stay up-to-date.

Wave 1 Agency Project Emails (from the Agency Liaison)

8/9/2022 Organization Administrators post Go-live support news item
5/18/2022 Organization Administrators Go-live preparation tasks
5/4/2022 Wave 1 all agencies pre Go-live office hours
4/19/2022 Wave 1 small agencies, boards and commissions Go-live prep list
4/19/2022 Wave 1 large and medium agencies Go-live checklist
4/12/2022 Wave 1 Go-live preparation meeting
4/11/2022 SPOTS card purchases in OregonBuys postponed
3/22/2022 Setting up agency users in the Training environment
3/14/2022 Go-live preparation tasks
3/10/2022 Phase II user account setup
2/14/2022 R*STARS prep and agency validation sessions
12/16/2021 Data collection template reminder and training modules
12/6/2021 Small agencies, boards and commissions January meetings
11/19/2021 Organization administrators data collection template
11/12/2021 Organization administrators next steps (data collection and training)
11/3/2021 Large and medium-sized agencies kickoff recording and resources
11/2/2021 Small agencies, boards and commissions kickoff meeting recording and info
10/19/2021 Small agencies, boards and commissions kickoff meeting announcement
10/06/2021 Large and medium-sized agencies kickoff meeting announcement

Change Management Messages and Resources for Staff

8/15/2022Round 12 - Large, medium and some small agencies - Tips and Tricks | Email with links
7/29/2022Round 11 - Large and medium agencies - OregonBuys procure-to-pay is live | Email with links
7/26/2022Round 10 - All agency sizes - Working with suppliers | EmailTalking pointsWebsite disclaimer
7/22/2022Round 9 - Large and medium agencies - Account activation | Email with links
5/20/2022Round 8 - All agency sizes - Transition guidance and instruction guides | Email with links
5/5/2022Round 7 - All agency sizes - How will I use OregonBuys? | Email  Handout
Round 6 - All agency sizes - Process flow |  Email  Handout
ADKAR survey link for agency OregonBuys users | Email
3/17/2022Round 5 - All agency sizes - Benefits of OregonBuys |  Email  Handout
3/9/2022Round 4 - All agency sizes - Term crosswalk  | Email  Handout
2/17/2022Round 3 - All agency sizes - Training announcement  |  Email
2/2/2022Round 2 - Small agencies, boards commissions - Preparing for OregonBuys | Email
1/28/2022Round 2 - Large and medium agencies - Working with Core Teams |  Email  Handout
1/19/2022Round 1 - Small agencies, boards & commissions - What's included? |  Email Handout
Round 1 - Large and medium agencies - What's included? |  Email  Handout