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Roofing contractors at work

Written Con​​tracts Are Required​ ​​Wh​​​​​en: ​​

  • ​​​​A residential structure exceed $2,000.
  • If the original contract price is less than $2,000 but the price goes up during the project and eventually exceeds $2,000, you must provide the owner a written contract within five days per ORS 701.305. ​
  • If you do not provide a written contract and all consumer notices, as required, you may not be able to claim a lien per ORS 87.037. 

Put All Contracts In Wri​ting ​​​​​​

A well-written contract helps avoid homeowner complaints. It protects both you and the consumer by specifying what has been agreed to.  The CCB shares information about some items that should be outlined in a written contract​.

Required Terms​​​​​​​​​

If you work on residential properties, you must include the following in your written contract: 
  • Your name, address, phone number, and CCB license number (as shown on CCB records)
  • The customer’s name and address where the work will be performed
  • A description of the work to be performed, the price, and the payment terms
  • The property owner’s rights under the contract, including the ability to file a complaint with the Construction Contractors Board
  • The existence of any mediation and arbitration provision 

​New Homes​​

​If building a new home, you must provide the owner or first purchaser with:
  1. New Home Warranty​, and​
  2. Maintenance Schedule​

Tools To Help You Comply  ​​​​​​

Required Notices for Residential Construction​​​​

If you work on residences, you must provide the following consumer notices and retain proof of the property owner's receipt when the total contract exceeds $2,000.    
Retain proof of the property owner’s receipt of the notices by: 
  • Including the notices fully within the written contract.
  • Getting and keeping signed copies of the notices.
  • Providing the property owner with the notices, and include in the written contract an unambiguous phrase that acknowledges receipt of the notices with the property owner's initials.
You must keep proof that you delivered any required notices for two years after the contract is entered into. 

​​​​Homeowners’ Right To Cancel​​

One-day right to cancel 

A property owner can cancel any initial contract for construction, improvement, or repair of a residential structure by giving the contractor a written notice of cancellation prior to midnight of the next business day. Some exceptions apply such as when work has already substantially begun. 

The contractor does not have any notice requirements. (ORS 701.310) 

Three-day right to cancel 

Buyers have a three-day right to cancel a home solicitation contract when the contract is solicited at any place that is not the seller’s permanent place of business. 

A construction contract is subject to this law if there is a personal solicitation made by the contractor or the contractor’s agent and the contractor’s offer is accepted anywhere other than the contractor’s permanent place of business. For example, you meet with a contractor in a restaurant. This applies to contracts for remodeling or repairs, not construction of a new house.

Regardless of who initiates the contact, the property owner must be given notice of his or her right to rescind the contract. (ORS 83.720)

​Required​​ Forms​


Construction Liens​​ ​

Residential C​onstruction Notices​​

New Homes​​​


​Contractors must to provide this pamphlet before any renovation on "target housing" ​

Other ​​​​

​Display Your CCB Numb​​er

All contractors must include their CCB license number on everything from business cards to site signs. The number should include “CCB” and then your license number (for example, CCB #123456). You can also include the words “Licensed and bonded.” 

License numbers a​re required on: 
  • Business cards
  • Written bids
  • Building-related contracts
  • Advertising, including websites, telephone book, newspaper, radio and television ads.
  • Business letterhead
  • Business signs at construction sites
  • Written inspection reports
  • Business vehicles with signage

​Promotional Items​​​​​

CCB numbers are encouraged but are not required on promotional items where it is not practical to include them such as pens, pencils, bug deflectors, refrigerator magnets, etc.

Numbers are also not required on clothing or uniforms for sports teams sponsored by construction businesses.

Your CCB Nu​​​​mber Helps Homeowners Verify a License​​

Potential customers who see your license number on your business cards, bids, etc. can quickly confirm your license status on our website or by calling 503-378-4621.  

Many homeowners call the CCB to check on contractors but don’t know the owner’s name or the correct spelling. If we can’t find your license number, you may lose work because people think you’re unlicensed.  


Violating OAR 812-003-0120 by failing to provide a CCB number can bring a fine of up to $400.  ​​

Oregon Small Business Development Center Network

Get help starting or growing your business from Oregon's 19 Small Business Development Centers. Free one-to-one business advising.​

​Who is an independent contractor?

The Oregon Independent Contractors website provides more information.​

​Warranties on New Residences

Who must offer a warranty? 

Contractors that contract to build a new home must make a written offer of a warranty to the owner or first purchaser. The warranty protects against defects in materials and workmanship for the structure. (ORS 701.320) 

This law does not apply to manufactured dwellings. 


What is a warranty? 

A warranty is an obligation by the seller that the seller’s product (a new home) is free from defective materials or workmanship, together with a promise to repair or replace the defective items and faulty work. A warranty is not a guarantee. Repair or replacement is satisfied by meeting building industry standards. There does not need to be complete customer satisfaction. Generally, a warranty does not cover items that arise from customer neglect. 

What does a  new home warranty cover? 

Typically, these warranties cover:    
  • Structural defects: Warrants against failure of structural components such as the load-bearing elements of the home.
  • Major home system failures: Warrants against failure of plumbing, electrical, heating and air-conditioning systems. Also warrants against failure of major appliances, such as refrigerators, dishwashers, ovens and stove-tops.
  • Workmanship: Promises to repair defects in the work performed, such as installation. 
  • All warranties are contracts. The terms of the contracts  vary. Some warranties, for example, cover only major home systems.  Others provide limited coverage for all of the listed items. Still others exempt certain products or installations. Some warranties allow for the purchase of optional, additional coverage.  Any warranty contract satisfies the new law. 

Who must supply the warranty? 

Although you, the contractor, must offer a warranty, you decide whether to supply the warranty directly or through a company that sells warranties. A direct warranty is a contract between you and the owner or purchaser. A purchased warranty is a contract between a company that sells warranties and the owner or purchaser.  Either warranty satisfies the new law. 

What period of time must the warranty cover? 

The law does not require a specific time for warranty protection.  A typical new home warranty protects against structural defects for five to ten years and promises to repair or replace major systems for one to two years.    

You may select the time period for the warranty.   

How much can you charge for the warranty? 

The law does not set any limit on the amount you can charge. Typically, new home warranties purchased from warranty companies cost from $250 - $500. There may also be a service fee, like a deductible, which the homeowner pays when requesting service. A typical service fee is $50.  

When must you offer the warranty? 

The contractor must, in writing, offer the warranty either before or at the time the contractor and owner (or purchaser) sign a contract for the construction of the home.  

What must you do to prove that you offered the warranty? 

The contractor must include statements in the contract that:
The contractor made a written offer of warranty
The owner or purchaser accepted or rejected the offer. 

​​Maintenance Schedules on New Residences​

​Contractors completing a new residential structure must provide the owner or first purchaser with a recommended maintenance schedule. (ORS 701.335) 

By law, the minimum information the maintenance schedule must include is: 
  • Definitions and descriptions of moisture intrusion and water damage.
  • An explanation of how moisture intrusion and water damage can occur. 
  • A description and recommended schedule for maintenance to prevent moisture intrusion. 
  • Advice on how to recognize the signs of water damage. 
  • Appropriate steps to take when water damage is discovered. 

Download a Moisture Intrusion & Water Damage​​ information sheet and a recommended maintenance schedule.

Alternatively, contractors may develop and use their own maintenance schedule as long as it contains the information required by OAR 812-012-0120.​

Problems with a fellow contractor?

We help mediate disputes between homeowners and contractors as well as those between contractors and employees, suppliers, and subcontractors.  Learn more about filing complaints.​

​What are home warranty companies?​

Home warranty companies sell home warranties, often when a home is sold. The warranty acts somewhat like insurance so that if something major breaks down, the cost of repair or replacement is covered.

This can cover items such as the furnace, water heater, kitchen appliances, or roof. 

The homeowner goes through the home warranty company to arrange for repair or replacement. Home warranty companies, in turn, contract with businesses to handle the calls.

Because these companies "arrange" for work, they must be licensed.

Licensing for home warranty companies

​Unless they are already licensed as a standard contractor, these companies must obtain a license from the Construction Contractors Board to operate as a home services contractor. The requirements for the license are outlined on the Endorsement Chart.​ If you are a home warranty company and have questions, contact our licensing staff at 503-378-4621.​

If you are contractor:

  • Make sure the home warranty company is licensed. If you accept work from any unlicensed home warranty company, you could be breaking the law. Both the unlicensed company and you may be cited and fined.
  • If permits are necessary to perform the work, make sure that you or the company obtain them. If you fail to do so, the Oregon Building Codes Division and, in some cases, the Construction Contractors Board may issue fines. Make sure you understand who is paying for the permits.

If you are a homeowner:

If you have a home warranty with a licensed company, and you believe the work was not performed correctly, you may file a complaint with the Construction Contractors Board. The board cannot resolve disputes with unlicensed companies. 

If you spot an unlicensed home warranty company:

Call the Construction Contractors Board at (503) 378-4621 to report any unlicensed company advertising for or performing home warranty work - including repairing or replacing systems and appliances under contract. 

Licensed warranty companies have a Construction Contractors Board (CCB) license number. We can verify that number for you.

Provide us with copies of correspondence or paperwork you receive from the company so we can help them comply with the law.

​DEQ rules require survey prior to demolition​​

On Jan. 1, 2016, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) adopted rules requiring an asbestos survey before demolishing residential buildings built before Jan. 1, 2004. 

Demolition is defined as wrecking that removes any load-supporting structural member (a load-bearing wall, for example) or intentional burning. DEQ specifically requires that:
  • ​An accredited inspector conducts the asbestos survey before demolition. The accredited inspector should supply his credentials upon request.
  • A copy of the asbestos survey be kept on site and provided to DEQ upon request.
An asbestos survey is not required if all of the material will be handled and disposed of as asbestos-containing material.


DEQ can grant a waiver of the survey requirement if requested in writing and documentation proves, to DEQ's satisfaction, that there is no asbestos-containing material present.
Non-residential buildings undergoing remodeling and demolition have always required an asbestos survey. This has not changed.


Visit the DEQ’s asbestos webpage or contact the office nearest you:

Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Multnomah, Tillamook and Washington counties: Call the Northwest Region – Portland Office to contact Susan Farland at (503) 229-5982 or (800) 452-4011.

Benton, Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Polk and Yamhill counties: Call the Western Region – Salem Office to contact Dottie Boyd at (503) 378-5086 or (800) 349-7677.

Jackson, Josephine and Eastern Douglas counties: Call the Western Region – Medford Office to contact Steven Croucher at (541) 776-6107 or (877) 823-3216.

Coos, Curry and Western Douglas counties: Call the Western Region – Coos Bay Office to contact Martin Abts at (541) 269-2721 ext. 222.

Crook, Deschutes, Harney, Hood River, Jefferson, Klamath, Lake, Sherman and Wasco counties: Call the Eastern Region – Bend Office to contact Frank Messina at (541) 633-2019 or (866) 863-6668.

Baker, Gilliam, Grant, Malheur, Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa and Wheeler counties: Call the Eastern Region – Pendleton Office to contact Tom Hack at (541) 278-4626 or (800) 304-3513.

Lane County: Call the Lane Regional Air Protection Agency at (541) 736-1056.

​Licensing fees​

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We'll send you free publications to help you educate homeowners about performing home improvement projects and the value of hiring a licensed contractor. Click the blue button below to order any of the following:
  • Selecting and Working With a Contractor
  • Trifold business card holder
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​Becoming l​​icensed

Electronic application may take up to two weeks to complete. Paper applications may take up to six weeks to complete.  We suggest submitting your application and supporting documents with our new ONLINE system. 

Errors on your application can cause additional delays, so double-check your work before sending it to the CCB or contact us directly to ask questions.  You can streamline the process by:
  • Closely following the instructions on the application form, 
  • Submit a complete application, 
  • Include all required additional documents with your initial application.​

​9 S​​teps to Li​ce​​nsure:​ 

  1. ​​Complete the 16-hour pre-license training and take the exam. Select a Responsible Managing Individual to complete the training and examFind a list of approved pre-license educators here. Once you have taken the training, you will be directed to take the test from your pre-license training provider.
  2. Dete​rmine your endorsement typeLearn more information about endorsement and structure types.
  3. File your corporation, LLC, and/or assumed business name. File with the Oregon Secretary of State, Corporation Division​. For more information about setting up your business, click here.
  4. Submit a CCB surety bond in the required amount(s). Find the proper bond amount here​.
  5. Provide proof of general liability in​surance in the required amount. Make sure it names Construction Contractors Board as the Certificate Holder.
  6. Obtain workers compensation insurance if you will be hiring employees. For more information about workers compensation, talk to an insurance agent, visit the Oregon Workers Compensation Division or call (503) 947-7810. Learn more about who is exempt and non-exempt​.
  7. Obtain other employer account numbers. You may need state and federal ta​x numbers, for example. For information, contact the Oregon Department of Revenue​​​ at (503) 378-4988 or the Internal Revenue Service​ at 1-800-356-4222.
  8. Complete an applicationApply ONLINE​.
  9. Submit your application. ​A complete application includes:
    • ​​Bond with Power of Attorney (Do not submit separately)
    • Insurance Certificate (Do not submit separately)
    • $325 fee for a two-year license.​

:FREE guide to becoming a licensed contractor

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