- In 2022, the Ombuds Office for Oregon Workers handled 7,353 inquiries.
- In 2022, the Small Business Ombudsman handled 790 contacts.
Injured workers and employers may find the workers’ compensation system confusing. Oregon has recognized that the comprehensibility of and access to the system are essential features of success. Therefore, a number of advocates and advisory groups provide services and recommend policy.
Ombuds Office for Oregon Workers
The Ombuds Office for Oregon Workers serves as an independent advocate for workers by helping them understand their rights, benefits, protections, and responsibilities within the workers’ compensation system and workplace safety and health laws and rules. The 1987 Legislature created it as the Office of the Ombudsman for Injured Workers to serve as an independent advocate for injured workers, assisting workers by accepting, investigating, and attempting to resolve complaints on workers’ compensation matters. Recognizing the value of the office, the Legislature increased the staff during the 1990 special session. Legislation passed in 2003 clarified the supervision and control of ombudsman services and required that quarterly reports be submitted to the governor. The office consists of the ombudsman and five staff members.
In January 2022, the office was renamed the Ombuds Office for Oregon Workers to reflect its added services for workplace safety and health.
Small Business Ombudsman
The Office of the Small Business Ombudsman for Workers’ Compensation was created during the 1990 special session to serve as an advocate for and educator of small businesses. The office is the resource center for employers needing information about the workers’ compensation system. It helps resolve disputes between employers and insurers, provides educational seminars and trade shows, and helps all parties.
Ombudsman contacts