Focus on youth from vulnerable and resilient populations and communities:
- Identify and remove system barriers and gaps
- Build assets, protective factors and strength-based practices for youth
- Engage, reengage, and advance youth learners
- Prevent and disrupt crime and violence and promote youth safety
- Reduce disparities and achieve equitable outcomes
YDC/YDD advocates for school-age youth and young adults who are encountering barriers to school and career success, with efforts tailored to serve two focus youth populations:
YDC/YDD’s approach is to develop statewide policy and fund community-based programs, services, and initiatives for vulnerable and resilient youth that reduce barriers to education and employment success, expand access to positive activities, and build crucial social, emotional and mental health skills and competencies.
YDC/YDD grants support programs that provide proven services to youth ages 6 through 24 through a variety of approaches, including in-school, after-school, and summer programs, mentoring, tutoring, STEM and hands-on learning, workforce training, family supports, and barrier removal. Programs are responsive to community needs and cultural practices, and offer innovative, effective, and personalized services for Priority and Opportunity Youth across Oregon.
Research indicates that intervening to keep young people engaged – and reengaging those who are disconnected or pushed out of school – not only improves future outcomes for these individuals, but offers a significant return on investment to communities, by reducing the risk of justice system involvement, lowering social service costs, and increasing economic productivity and income tax revenue. YDC/YDD’s strategic investments in Priority and Opportunity Youth create opportunities and outcomes that have a positive long-term impact on communities.
YDC/YDD’s approach also focuses on developing policy, capacity building and inter-agency coordination related to services and resources needed to achieve outcomes related to youth development, educational success, and career readiness.
YDD community investments support community-based youth development efforts, prioritizing grants based on indicators of community need, proven practices, and innovative approaches to serving youth. YDD grants support efforts to reduce disparities in educational success, improve graduation and completion rates, reduce youth disconnection, increase attendance and readiness, and remove barriers engagement, achievement, and success. Program results are evaluated to guide future funding priorities, identifying opportunities to improve policy, amplify successful strategies, and encourage multi-sector collaboration to improve outcomes for youth.
YDD Juvenile Crime Prevention Grants support a variety of diversion and prevention programs designed to keep young people from entering the juvenile justice system or engaging in high-risk behavior, through a variety of pro-social activities and programs.
YDD Youth Reengagement Grants support collaborative, community-based efforts to provide holistic educational reengagement programming to 14 to 21 year-olds who left school prior to graduation, and other youth who are facing barriers to high school completion, and would benefit from a more supportive path to a diploma or GED. Reengagement programs provide youth with responsive educational services, one-on-one coaching and mentoring, connection to workforce training and career learning, and access to support services in order to remove barriers to educational success.