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Invested for Oregon

Invested for Oregon

 Content Editor

Invested for Oregon

Treasury manages major funds on behalf of workers, retirees, schoolchildren and local governments.


Institutional Investment Management

Every Oregonian is benefitting from Treasury investment oversight. As a fiduciary and one of the nation's largest fund managers, we guide a globally diversified portfolio in pursuit of positive, risk-adjusted returns, under policies set by the Oregon Investment Council.

symbol for a bank or legal institution

Performance and Holdings

Learn about the Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund, other portfolios under management, and benchmarks.

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Oregon Investment Council

The policy-setting board ensures Oregon-managed funds are invested and reinvested as productively as possible.

Treasurer Steiner in front of Treasury office

Investing Responsibly To Protect Beneficiaries

As Oregon's State Treasurer, my priority is to ensure the long-term growth and security of all funds under my oversight, including the retirement funds of Oregon's dedicated public employees. Find out how Treasury invests responsibly and promotes transparency, responsible governance, and sustainable business practices

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Total Portfolio

We manage a diversified institutional portfolio that consists of several funds and trust funds, including the Oregon Public Employee Retirement Fund (OPERF), State Accident Insurance Fund (SAIF), Oregon Common School Fund (CSF) and the Oregon Short Term Fund (OSTF). We also manage smaller funds on behalf of agencies and universities.

Total assets under management as of Dec. 31, 2024 - $141.1 billion

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Asset Allocation - OPERF

With assets of $100 billion, OPERF was recently ranked the 13th largest pension fund in the US. The statutory mandate is to achieve the highest risk-adjusted returns possible with the fund's investments. To help achieve that objective, the fund is diversified across market sectors and investment types.

Total assets of Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund as of Dec. 31, 2024 - $100.1 billion

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Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund (OPERF)

Oregon State Treasury invests pension fund capital between the time it is received and when it is needed to pay benefits. The sustainable performance of Oregon trust funds is important to state and local governments, and it impacts beneficiaries: 73.0 cents of every dollar of retirement benefits comes from investment returns.

Returns for OPERF as of Dec. 31, 2024: +5.7% (1 Year), +7.5% (10 Year)

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OPERF Proxy Voting Database

Treasury's proxy voting database, providing increased transparency and accountability around shareholder activity by offering easy access to voting decisions and related information.

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