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Sustainable Investing

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Treasury’s Commitment to Sustainable Investing

Treasury recognizes the importance of taking action to understand and navigate investments risks related to the global climate crisis to help deliver sustainable long-term returns for our beneficiaires.

Picture of Treasury's hawthorne facility with a logo that reads: A Pathway to net zero

Treasury's Net Zero Plan

Designed with our obligation to produce sustainable investment returns for beneficiaries first, Treasury’s Net Zero Plan aims to achieve net zero carbon emissions within the Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund by no later than 2050. Read the plan today to learn more about Treasury’s commitment and what’s next.

Read the Plan

Annual Progress Reports

Moving forward

Oregon State Treasury is working to continuously improve our evaluation of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks as we make investment decisions. At the same time, we’re trying to expand and standardize the periodic reporting of ESG and associated risk factors so that Treasury staff, investment partners, and beneficiaries receive consistent, uniformed updates related to investments under Treasury’s management.

Treasury is leading efforts to:

  • Support the transition of OPERF to a net-zero carbon emission portfolio by no later than 2050.

  • Set baseline emissions measurement and interim targets for managing climate risks and identifying opportunities for expanded investments in low-carbon solutions.

  • Create methodologies and frameworks to measure progress on meeting interim targets and timelines for review of investments in carbon intensive activities like thermal coal, tar sands, and fracked natural gas.

  • Provide recommendations for appropriate transparency and reporting mechanisms to demonstrate progress.

Timeline of Noteworthy Actions

  • • Treasury sets goal to double renewable energy holdings by 2020

  • • Treasury recouped $5.2 million through securities related legal actions over misrepresented profits and price fixing

    • Treasury representatives meet directly with executive management teams and advocated for enhanced financial reporting and improved board diversity

  • • Treasurer Read announces stepped-up shareholder climate action to enhance corporate disclosure, advance sustainable returns

    • Treasury hosts the Oregon Sustainable Investing Summit. Treasurer Read announces Treasury has reached its 2015 goal of doubling renewable energy holdings two years early

    • Treasury hires an investment officer who is responsible for assembling and analyzing ESG material data

    • Treasury supports investor-led effort to improve transparency and standardize private equity reporting

  • • Oregon Investment Council revises foundational ‘Investment Beliefs’ policy to reflect commitment to advancing diversity among staff, managers, and contractors

  • • Oregon Investment Council formalizes importance of ESG to Treasury's investment decisions

    • Treasury completes study to evaluate real estate holdings and the potential effects of climate change

  • • Treasury was part of a coalition of shareholders that voted to change the board of directors at Exxon, bringing new members with climate expertise to the table

    • Treasurer Read submits formal comments to the Securities and Exchange Commission on climate change disclosures

    • Public equity and fixed income portfolios made available on Treasury website, boosting transparency around how pension fund dollars are invested

  • • Treasurer Read announces intent to decarbonize Oregon Public Employee Pension Fund (OPERF) by 2050

    • Treasurer Read pens op-ed in New York Times opposing efforts in other states to limit the consideration of ESG factors in investment decisions

  • • Treasury launches proxy voting database, providing increased transparency and accountability around shareholder activity by offering easy access to voting decisions and related information.

    Proxy Voting Informational Guide

  • Treasury releases plan to achieve net zero carbon emissions within the Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund by no later than 2050.

    Formation of a beneficiary advisory group composed of active and retired PERS members to help provide feedback and input regarding Net Zero Plan activities