Ensure access to timely and informative alerts, warnings, and notifications (AWNs) through implementation of a statewide system that enables state, county, city and tribal governments to issue AWNs—providing people in Oregon with meaningful opportunities to make life-saving decisions in the face of emergencies
OR-Alert provides statewide access to a modern and interoperable alerts, warnings and notifications (AWN) system, enabling real-time sharing of hazard information across Oregon's 36 Counties and Tribal governments and providing access to FEMA's Integrated Alerts and Warnings System (IPAWS). The availability of timely AWNs through multiple channels, including text, landline and cellular phones, social media and broadcast media, enables people in Oregon to make critical decisions in
preparing for, responding to, and
recovering from disasters and emergency incidents -
saving both property and lives.
Signup for Emergency Notifications
OR-Alert's Statewide Guidance on Alerts, Warnings and Notifications
The OR-Alert Governance Committee maintains Statewide Guidance on Alerts, Warnings, and Notifications for alerting authorities through out the state. This guidance is availablehere.