The Broadband Committee engages in several critical aspects for advancing public safety broadband initiatives in Oregon. It includes identifying and informing the SIEC about broadband applications crucial in public safety, emphasizing the necessity of coverage for vital operational support and analyzing emerging technologies, such as lower earth orbit satellite technologies. The committee diligently tracks statewide broadband investments and seeks opportunities to enhance their benefit to the public safety community. Collaborating closely with entities like the Oregon Broadband Office and the FirstNet Authority, the Committee evaluates existing broadband services and devises strategies to seamless integrate them into the emergency communication ecosystem.
Committee Members:
Mike Hussey, Fire Chief, Jackson County Fire District 3 (Chair)
Ben Gherezgiher, State Chief Information Security Officer, Enterprise Information Services (Vice-Chair)
Mark Buchholz, Executive Director, Washington County Consolidated Communication Agency
Tony DeBone, Deschutes County Commissioner
Nick Green, Catalyst Public Policy Advisors, LLC
Adam Haas, Rabbit Communications
Daniel Holbrook, Business Oregon
Roger Johnson, Fire Chief, Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District
Rick Schulte, City of Portland