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Public Involvement

Get Involved!

The Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC) encourages Oregon residents to get involved in our processes to stay informed on utility-related issues and provide input on topics of interest. Learn more about how to stay informed and get involved below. 

About Public Meetings

  • Regular Public Meetings - Are held every other Tuesday. The first 15-minutes of each meeting is open to public comments on a topic NOT on the agenda for that day. Additionally, comments are accepted for items in the Rulemaking portion of the agenda listed as a "public hearing" item. View Regular Public Meeting agendas listed on the Upcoming Events page for more information. Learn more about what to expect at a Regular Public Meeting.
  • Public Comment Hearings – Are scheduled for select higher-profile dockets (cases) to provide an opportunity to express your opinions on a specific issue that impacts  your community. Learn more about what to expect at a Public Comment Hearing.

Participate in PUC Events

In Person

Since the pandemic, the PUC has hosted public meetings virtually and not in person. Please access the agenda for upcoming public meeting listed on the Upcoming Events page to determine what virtual and/or phone options are available. Some meetings may be held in person with virtual and/or phone participation options available.

Virtually Online

The PUC is currently conducting public meetings using the Zoom platform. To view the list of public meetings and to connect to a meeting, open the appropriate agenda on the Upcoming Events page and select the link noted on the agenda to connect to the meeting.

By Phone

To listen in and/or comment during a public meeting by phone, open the appropriate agenda listed on the Upcoming Events page. On the agenda you will find the phone details for that specific meeting.

Comment on a Docket of Interest

To submit comments to the PUC on a docket (case) of specific interest to you, such as a proposed rate increase, please submit your comments in one of the ways noted below. 

**Any information provided in your comment form or comment email is subject to being publicly posted information. The PUC does not accept attachments to public comment forms or emails.**

By Web Form

This web form is the easiest way to offer written comments to the Commission and is ideal for utility customers and members of the general public. Learn more about how to use the web form. Attachments not accepted.

By email

Submit comments and questions by email. Be sure to include the docket (case number) you're commenting on in the subject line. Attachments not accepted.

By Phone
You may submit comments to the PUC by calling 503-378-6600 or 800-522-2404. All relay calls accepted.

By Mail

Mail comments to: Oregon Public Utility Commission, Attn: AHD - [insert Docket #], PO Box 1088, Salem OR 97308-1088

Monitor PUC Dockets

To stay informed on the various PUC dockets (cases), search the eDocket system to view or download filings, rulings, orders and other documentation and schedules. 
You may also request to receive docket (case) update notifications by email. Note the two request options below:
  1. Ask to be added to the industry notification list for all new dockets. Please specify which industry list(s) you wish to be added to: electric, natural gas, telecommunications, or water.
  2. Ask to be added to a service list for a specific docket (case) of interest. You will then receive emails when new documents are added to that docket or there is a change to the schedule.
Submit your request (either option 1 or two above) by email.