The primary focus of OYA’s parole and probation services is to manage individual case plans and supervise youth placed in OYA’s care. These services are designed to positively support youth improvements, provide youth with opportunities for reformation, and reduce the risk of future criminal activity.
Families are encouraged to participate in this process by attending multidisciplinary team meetings, family conferences, and home visit check-ins.
The main case worker for a youth on OYA probation or parole is their juvenile parole/probation officer (JPPO).
What is probation?
When a youth is on probation it means they have never been inside a correctional facility and are currently working with a court-ordered probation agreement. These are steps that, if followed, would keep a youth out of a facility.
What is parole?
When a youth is on parole, that means they have exited a correctional facility and entered the community. A parolee’s community activity is not court-mandated. In other words, youth success on parole is evaluated by OYA.
If a JPPO discovers a youth may have violated parole, they can recommend revocation of parole at an administrative hearing, and the youth must return to a correctional facility. If a JPPO determines that a paroled youth is doing well, they can notify the court or arrange a court hearing to end that youth's OYA custody.
How are youth determined ready for parole?